Saturday, August 18, 2012


Many people including myself love to use vanilla extract in smoothies and other recipes does it have any nutritional value?

The answer is across the board pretty much none. It does have a few calories (24 per 2 tablespoons which equals 399 for a cup) but thats pretty much it. Each serving has 1 sugar and 1 carb, almost zero protein, fats, sodum etc.
So in a way it provides us with a tremendous taste with nothing good OR BAD for us. Just a rich full flavor.

There are a few reported folk remedies that vanilla is used for:
1. It is calming to the stomach and helps with nasuea. Just mix in water.
2.It can help with weight loss since it does bring a sense of richness to what it is added to.
3. It has been reputed to help regulate menstrual cycles.
4. In an emergency it has been used on wounds with some positive results.
5. Because of its wonderful odor it has been reported to calm nerves and anxiety.

So don't stress over vanilla, just enjoy it as a regulat part of your diet.

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