Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 WHW FASTING TIPS - White Tongue

Look in the mirror at your is your report card

Sounds like a strange thing to do, but the tongue will tell you tons about what is going on in your body during your fast. Typically after the third day your body really starts to cleanse, prior to which it was getting used to no food and all liquids. It was enjoying the rest and turning down the heat.

Once you start to cleanse, toxins start to move out of the body through the elimination systems, the skin, the urine, the bowels, plus the tongue and others.The normal color of the tongue is pink, but when you are fasting it very often has a white coating, this is a good thing. Toxins are leaving your body. The question of course; what can you do to help the tongue and accompanying breath odor.

The answer is pretty simple. Besides your normal oral hygiene including tooth brushing, water pick, and flossing, you can do what is called "tongue scraping". Tongue scraping is done twice a day with a tongue scraper which you can purchase at any pharmacy, or pharmacy section in one of the big stores or health food stores.

It is a U or V shaped stainless steal configuration usually with rubber grips that you will hold with both hands while running the dull blade across your tongue while scraping off the whitw coating. Do it at the sink for obvious reasons. Exposing the pink of the tongue will get the tongue ready for the next round of toxin cleansing. Do it before you brush your teeth. As a final step in tongue cleansing use your tooth brush to brush the tongue as well.

It seems like a little thing but the way of the Whole Health Warrior is to pay attention to the 1000 little things to achieve whole person radiant health.

Keep up the good work

Baruch Hashem and

Blessings to all.

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