Here are some observations and notes I have made on fasting. First I must say I believe it is the best practice we could adopt when building long term physical and spiritual health.
Increase longevity in Rational Fasting by Arnold Ehret
“I have quoted the clogging up by mucus as being the reason for disease and aging. I have also proved the possibility of re-substitution of dead cells with new healthy cells. This process is completed by sun-foods and fasting”, (p. 40).
In the book Therapeutic Fasting by Devries we find that “fasting has significant benefit in reducing or eliminating the causes and symptoms involved in at least 50 diseases including, high blood pressure, arthritis, caner, diabetes, kidney disease, hay fever, ulcers, colitis, psoriasis, varicose veins, and many more, (Pp. 17-30).. This goes back to the concept that diseases although categorized and named are all caused by the same systemic conditions within the body.
Bifurcation is the turning point of which some of a person’s cells, tissue or organs are either going to move to full degeneration, aging and disease or move to regeneration, youthing and healing. It is sort of a fork in the health road between wellness and illness, between order and chaos. In the book Tachyon Energy by Dr Gabriel Cousens and David Wagner, the authors described bifurcation in this way, “In order to understand the order/chaos/order theory the term bifurcation point really helps elucidate whether we move toward health or toward illness at any particular point. This happens regardless of whether we actually choose it or our bodies go that direction without our conscious awareness”, (p. 21). Earlier in the book we discussed the theory of body consciousness. There are many bifurcation points within the journey called body consciousness. Fasting
works at helping the body to make the wellness decisions each time it comes to a bifurcation point in the process.
It is my opinion that therapeutic fasting has considerable influence on which way the body will go in regards to health and wellness or disease and illness. All of the conditions set in motion by the fasting process lead me to believe that the body, when given the opportunity, will move to healing. Many healers, scientists, doctors and researchers agree with this position.
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