Friday, January 16, 2015


Congratulations have done 5 days of green juice fasting..

So today while walking to the gym I found a dime on the ground. I did pick it up and put it in my pocket and then wondered what I should do with it...It's only a dime....Not worth much...
Then I decided to give it away...A Kabbalistic way of thinking, "receive in order to share"., but then it's only a dime...Then the answer came to home we have a Tsedoka box...we put spare change in the box along with an occasional bill or two...Then when full we donate the money to a charity of some sort..You would be surprised at how quickly those found dimes add up...By the way Tsedoka giving is a mitsvot (good deed) straight out of the.Torah...So on day five I started to break through the spiritual  ceiling with one little dime...It is the small things that count...

Seven fasting tips for today...
1.  Avoid looking in the fridge, pantry, or food shelves...not good cues on a fast.
2.  Take some time and commune with nature...sit under a tree, play in the snow, walk by a river...
3. Sit quiet and meditate...where have I heard that before?
4. Add a jalapeno or 1/2 of a sweet potato for the day in your juice when you are making it...
5. Here is a good one...CHEW YOUR JUICE..yes do it...the chewing motion stimulates the enzymes in the mouth, ptyalin (an amylase enzyme)...which helps to break down starches...
6. Make a potassium broth and drink a cup per day...put the peelings of 10 potatoes, a bunch of a pot   add clean water ...bring to a boil...turn heat down and let simmer for 45 minutes...let cool... strain the solids out and drink a cup of the broth...Very high potassium...good for the heart...
7.  Do some least 15 minutes or more per day...

Stay the course you are doing great
email with questions


  1. Starting to dream about the big salad I'm breaking my fast with Sunday late afternoon. :)

  2. Feel free to add any comments about how your week has gone. The good, the bad and the ugly!! ;)

  3. Hey everyone this has been so much fun....
