Day 7 is always exciting, but the work is just beginning
You have done an awesome job. Completing a seven day juice fast is no easy task. You will have done what most everyone else will never do.Completing a seven day juice fast in the right way never seems to make a person arrogant but rather just the opposite is true, it humbles us. It helps us reflect on our place in the universe, it resets our DNA, It helps us check our egos, and helps us become closer to the Divine. Pretty powerful stuff...Don't you think ???..
So you've done a lot in seven days but the hard work is in front of you... You must break the fast correctly...and equally as important RIGHT NOW is the time to consider your life and eating patterns after the past. Will you go back to old unhealthy patterns? Will you adopt a plant based diet? Will you continue to walk and meditate? All these questions should be addressed now.
As a reference to what you might consider you might take a holistic wellness class from WHOLEHEALTHWARRIORACADEMY.COM...It is the online school we are launching January 28th, or you might wish to read the book we wrote, The Whole Health Warrior available at you do continue on the path you have been on during your fast, it is a great gift from the Divine.
SEVEN RULES to Break Your Fast
1. Meditate for 15 minutes before you eat...
2. Bless your food...
3. Eat in silence./ Chew each bit 50 times/ savor each bite till it is gone and before you take the next bite....
4. First 2 meals. should be a SMALL organic, fresh salads...cucumbers, tomatoes, grated carrots, finely sliced cabbage, romaine letttuce or some baby greens, red bell pepper, no onions or garlic please.Squeeze fresh lemon or lime as a dressing.
5..Sprinkle tablespoon of ground flax on your salad.
6. Take some form of probiotics to repopulate your gut.
7. No fats the first day, olives, oils, avocados, nuts, seeds, etc, til the second day and then only small quantities for a few days.
What a treat you are in for...the Divine is giving you an amazing reward or the work you have done...
Share your experiences with me at
Hey everyone as I said yesterday, this has been so much fun...I'm going to do seven more days...anybody in?