Friday, November 22, 2019


Fasting is a hot topic today.

Everybody seems to want to get on the fasting bandwagon these days. Actually, that is a good thing because proper fasting has been medically and scientifically proven to have huge health benefits. The major questions are what exactly is fasting and how do you do it safely. For complete details and protocols I would like to refer you to our free downloadable book entitled THERAPEUTIC AND SPIRITUAL FASTING available in our bookstore at.

This blog is intended to discuss the popular practice and term called "intermittent fasting". There are many definitions and protocols of fasting such as a water fast, a juice fast, the grapefruit fast and on and on. The main intent, and concept of fasting is to create a radical change in your dietary habits. Classically this is true, BUT, for our purpose we will define fasting as simply refraining from solid foods. We might also include anything that must be processed by the liver and activate insulin secretion. This would include juices, and most other liquids except water. But remember your fast should be constructed to fit your lifestyle and objectives. We find a green juice fast quite practical for most people.

Back to the subject at hand, INTERMITTENT FASTING. This is a popular term used today to describe a daily routine of limiting your eating time to an "eating window" while just consuming water the rest of the time. Various people have limited their eating window anywhere from 2 to 8 hours. For example a 2 hour eating window may be from 4-6 pm, while an 8 hour eating window may be from noon to 8 pm. It is up to the individual as to what they wish to do.

So here is the issue. the true purpose of FASTING is to enhance the state of autophagy. Autophagy is the body's natural ability to sort of "self cleanse" by consuming faulty cells and by products of metabolism in the body. As part of normal everyday physiologic and metabolic function we create by-products as well as things such as cancerous growths, and even infections. Autophagy is sort of a cannabalistic process of consuming these and cleaning it up so it can be carried out of the body. Sort of like the garbage truck in your neighborhood. I realize this is an oversimplification but hopefully it tells the story.

So here comes the good stuff. Possibly the greatest benefit of TRUE FASTING (not intermittent fasting)  is that it puts the body into a supercharged state of autophagy, sort of like a powerful vacuum cleaner in the body. But here is the catch, this process of supercharging actually starts around the third day of not eating solid foods. Therefore intermittent fasting is not what I call true fasting but rather what we prefer to call TIME RESTRICTED EATING (TRE), which does in fact have significant benefits.

Some of the general benefits of TIME RESTRICTED EATING (TRE) are as follows:
1. Can help stabilize blood glucose levels.
2. If you eat healthy foods can help to restrict total calorie intake.
3. Rests the digestive system for a significant amount of time on a daily basis.
4. May help with weight control.
5. Does enhance autophagy a bit.
6. may improve insulin sensitivity.
7. Studues show it reduced body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

These are just a few possible benefits of TRE, there are many more for consideration, I suggest you do some more research.

Our suggested TRE schedule for the average person is to schedule your eating window from noon to 8pm while not eating from 8pm through noon the next day. This gives you an 8 hour eating window and a 16 hour non eating time. However based on your lifestyle and personal schedule you can adjust this to suit yourself. Of course during your eating window eat as healthy as possible.

If you decide to give this a try let us know how it goes.

May peace be with you.



Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Certainly eggs are not vegan,
but most people don't fully understand the full scope and implications of consuming eggs and what are the concerns directly related to them
Let's clear up a few points.

1. Eggs are simply a product of an animal thus simply don't qualify as a vegan food.
2. Yes, eggs are a good source of protein however it is no reason to eat them. A vegan has many choices of high quality protein from their plant based diet.
3. 1 single egg contains 37,000,000 pathogenic microorganisms, beef, lamb, poultry and seafood average 336,000,000, while the average entire vegan meal only contains 500 pleomorphic pathogenic microorganisms.
4. Eggs are probably one of the.foods to avoid for prevention and treatment of mycosis.
5. Diseases may also appear in eggs from sick hens.
6. Modern farming techniques may include feeeding chickens antibiotics, colored dye (makes yolks brighter in color), tranquilizers, hormones, and many other substances to harden shells and increase production.
7. Factory farming of egg layers is cruel at best. It is a dark world that treats the chickens as machines. A buddhist friend of mine told me she doesn't eat eggs because they belong to the chicken and she has no right to take them from her, now that is compassion.

A plant based vegan diet does not carry the same risk of salmonella, mycosis, or increased cholesteral. It further eliminates the worries associated with pesticides, toxins, hormones, and other chemicals that may be found in eggs.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like sources for any of the stats or issues discussed here.
There is a deeper discussion of this topic in THE WHOLE HEALTH WARRIOR  book as well


Monday, November 11, 2019


If you like kraut you will love this recipe.
Nothong is quite as healthy and tasty as home made kraut...
A fantastic raw vegan probiotic food.

1 head of green cabbage (shredded, I use a food processor)
1 TBSP pink salt
1 1/2 carrots (shredded)
2 ;3 cloves of garlic chopped
1 /2 red bell pepper chopped
1/2 jalapeno pepper chopped (optional)
1 TBSP garlic powder
1 TBSP poppy, caraway or celery seeds

Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix well.
Use a large wooden spoon to 'wilt" the mixture. do this by sort of chopping down on the mixture thus breaking down the cell structure,
When wilted place mixture in quart mason jars, Pack down as tight as possible, I use a wooden tamper purchased on Amazon. You can use a wooden spoon or anything that works. Should be very tightly packed. Leave about 2 " at top of jar and take a cabbage leaf to top off the mixture. Then place a small non breakable shot glass on top and cover...

I use a system called a PERFECT PICKLER which allows the gasses to escape but no outside bacteria to get in. They are also available on Amazon . Love it and have been using for years.

once packed down and covered let sit in a dark cool place for about 10  days. Open up, remove top cabbage leaf and enjoy. Once opened store in fridge.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Here is a simplified understanding and approach to probiotics.

A probiotic is a microorganism that is helpful in preventing and curing various types of illnesses. PRO meaning life while ANTI means against life, or death. A healthy immune system and digestive tract are the key benefits of a balance of various probiotics in the body. According to Harvard Medical School your biome or gut)  is host to over 100 trillion microorganisms from over 500 different species. These are just the friendly microorganisms, or healthy bacteria.

The idea is to introduce a variety of multiple strains of these friendly bacteria (probiotics) into your gut throughout the day.This is why we suggest four different sources throughout the day. Although you don't really need to worry too much about the names of these bacteria the following are a few of the common ones you may find on the labels of various probiotic foods and drinks.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobaccilis rhamnosus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillis bulgarius
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium bifidium
Plus over 495 more...whoa!!!!

So how do you keep track of all this?
It is actually not so hard... The key here is variety.
Select as many  "probiotic " foods or supplements and rotate them throughout the day and the week.
Here are a few to start with...all add to the biome friendly bacteria.
Of course these sources are all available as vegan options. All should be non pasteurized.

Non dairy yogurt (almond, coconut, cashew etc)
Non dairy Kefir
Fermented veggies
Farmhouse brand culture gut shots
Culture apple cider vinegar'
Non vinegar pickles
Dietary supplements

All of these are available in most health food stores, some grocery stores and even online at Amazon.


The following are conclusive findings from thirteen different peer reviewed scientific studies. Taken from the book THE FOOD REVOLUTION by John Robbins.

1. Eating more fruits and veggies increase survival rates in women with ovarian cancer.
2. Eating more fruits and veggies including a little soy reduces the risk of breast cancer.
3. Animal protein is associated with decreased bone health.
4. A small amount of soy protects against lung cancer.
5. A low fat vegetarian diet and healthy lifestyle rejuvenates coronary arteries.
6. Eating chicken has been implicated in urinary tract infections.
7. Excessive animal protein increases diabetic risk.
8. Moderate soy intake increases breast cancer survival.
9. A plant based diet improves mood.
10 Pregnant women's diet affects their babies risk of diabetes.
11. Red meat consumption increases the risk of diabetes.
12. Some soy intake decreases the risk of hip fractures.
13. Red meat increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


In order to be successful on your vegan Journey you must experience a certain level of satisfaction in what you are eating. After all we really should enjoy life.  I have mentioned before my early journey was quite a challenge, all we could order in a restaurant was baked potato and salads...quite the challenge to stay on course.

Your new lifestyle should not be one of deprivation, nor, should it be a restrictive prescribed diet plan. Your vegan journey will be one THAT ADDS POSITIVE PRACTICES AND HABITS THUS PUSHING OUT THE NEGATIVE ONES.  Replacing negative energies with positive ones. Things that you will add are tasty health building foods, regular walks, positive meditations, generous giving behaviors, practices that heal the earth and help end animal cruelty.When you are done reconstructing your lifestyle there will be no room for negative stuff.


ADDITION is the practice of adding positive habits and practices to your everyday life.. Building new schedules that include walks and meditations, making sure you drink enough good clean water, adding foods and supplements that bring positive energy to you.

REPLACEMENT is the conscious act of bringing in new positive energy  foods and habits that crowd out the old negative ones. For example replacing the bad habit such as smoking or drinking sugary drinks with other habits that are more positive such as writing in your journal when you want to smoke or drinking veggie juice rather that sugar drinks
SUBSTITUTION is the direct act of observing what you are eating or drinking and finding a direct satisfying vegan substitute for that item. Today we have so many choices,for example if you like ice cream try one of the many vegan options, same for cheese, milk, cookies, and even meats.

The following are a few examples to get you thinking. All are available at health oriented stores and even many at mainstream grocery stores.

Yogurt - many types are available such as cashew, almond even oat milk yogurt. My favorite brands are Kite Hill, Nancy's, and Forager.
Beef Patties - Favorites are Beyond Beef and Litelife (20 gr. of protein). Same for sausages, hot dogs, and crumbles.
Cows milk - So many types and brands to choose from, almond, cashew, oat, rice and so on.
Chicken of beef broth - Once again a host of choices of flavored veggie broths. Great for soup bases or plain.
Cheese - this is a big one, everyone loves cheese. So many now available, but our favorites are. Miyoko's (amazing taste texture and variety), our favorite is smoked farmhouse, ,  Follow Your Heart (cheddar or smoked gouda cheese slices  Daiya, good for vegan pizza. The are plenty more, find one you like and enjoy.
Chicken nuggets - The kids love these, Quorn seems to be the favorite.
Cookies - Trader Joe"s oatmeal chocolate chip vegan cookies are great.
Soda pop - Zevia soda and Bai are both very tasty and sugar free.
Even fast food places have vegan burgers or tacos as part of their menu.

So as you can see substituting vegan foods for low energy non vegan foods today is pretty easy.

This isnt' the end of the list but just the beginning.