Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Coconut Oil - More Than a Super=food

David Wolfe defines a superfood as a food that has both medicinal qualities as well as high nutritional qualities. How would you describe a product that combines those qualities with qualities of dynamic prevention, and majot healing. Coconut oil is way more than a food for it can be used both inside the body as well as outside, it can be used to lubricate moving mechanical parts, as a cleaner, as a fuel, as a base for soap and hundreds of other uses.I think we should call it a Super Gift from Divine Nature.

Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid which doesn't mean much to a most people but consider this: "Medium chain fatty acids are transported across the intestinal wall directly into the portal vein then directly into the liver. Here they are used to produce energy.Whereas long chain fatty acids end up as low density lipoproteins (bad stuff). (from Coconut Cures by Bruce File) In other words it provides the body with a great source of energy, with no bad stuff. Medium chain fatty acids include lauric acid, capric and caprylic acids, all of which are enrgy producers and healing agents for the body.

I will touch on just a few things here that coconut oil is reputed to be beneficial for I would suggest if you are interested in further info read a small but well written book entitled Coconut Cures by Bruce File, It  goes into great detail on the topic as well as the science in great detail. Also you may wish to Google coconut oil  for more details as well. The best thing you miy choose to do is simply go buy some and consume a tablespoon or two as part of your foods daily, rub it on your skin, and substitute it for other common oil usages including cooking.

Millions of people for thousands of years  have used coconut oil for the following:
As a skin moisturizer, lip balm, anti bacterial for wounds,  for digestive issues, as an anti fungal and anti microbial, as a weight loss aid, improve thyroid function, as an anti inflammatory, for arthritis, infections, to fight parasites, gum disease, prevention of heart disease, hormone balancing, fibromyalgia, brain development, as a general body tonic and so much more. If this sounds like a miracle product you just might be right.

If we consider how diseases develop in the body we see how a compound like coconut oil can help prevent and maybe even cure them. It makes everything work better so the body can heal itself. A true natural curative approach. Read more and educate yourself on this true gift to humanity.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Building more "fast" raw vegan foods into your daily routine

The traditional successful fast foods have been popular for several reasons, they are tasty, not very expensive and of course they are fast. These three characteristics are very important to most of us.

Can we apply these three characteristics to our raw vegan eating plan?
The answer is absolutely yes! Mary and I do it all the time.
Let's focus on the "fast" issue here. To be successful it will take a bit of planning and preparation. Plan what your GRAB AND GO RAW" foods that are your favorites. Take some time and make your favorite top ten list and create a plan to have these available to you all of the time. You may not have all of them all of the time but you should probably have half or more of them on a weekly basis so you can GRAB AND GO RAW.We try to make most of them.

Once you have planned which ones you will have for the week set aside one day a week (We like doing it on Sundays) to prepare them. By doing it all at once you can prepare most of them all at one time, this is economy of scale. Make sure you have proper storage containers for the various "fast" foods that you will be preparing.

Our Favorite Top Ten GRAB AND GO RAW Foods
1. Raw veggie platter stored in fridge.(veggies cut similar to a party platter)
2. Three flavors of dipping sauces. (Thai peanut, curry sauce, marinara sauce) all made in blender.
3. Assorted dehydrated seeds and nuts (Amino almonds, cheesy walnuts, etc)
4. One or two quarts of raw vegan soup, made in blender.
5. Rainbow salads (Prep all veggies, store in zip bags or containers, grab and build salad daily).
6. Green smoothies (Prep ingredients weekly, store in fridge, grab and blend daily).
7. Green juice (Prep ingredients weekly, stor in fridge, grab and juice daily).
8. Nut cheese (Make a batch for the week store in fridge)
9. Cabbage salad (Make a batch and keep in fridge, gets better in a few days).
10. Crackers (Once a week make up some crackers to spread the cheese on and eat with salads).

To prepare these foods for the week will take about half of a Sunday (not including the dehydrating time).
We shop on Saturday (Farmers market if open) for the foods in our regular course of running errands and prepare the foods on Sunday. We make enough for the two of us to Grab and Go Raw for the week. By doing it this week we prepare for ourselves very tasty foods, reasonably priced, and spend very little time during the week thus actually saving time because it is all done at once. This economy of scale matches up with the three requirements of "fast food". Most of all it is healthy, and a spiritually rewarding lifestyle. A little bit of planning and preparation as it fits into your life will reap big rewards for you and your family. You will be working to improved health, saving time, and maybe even creating a new fun family activity and setting the stage for a higher level of health for generations to come.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Serious commentary regarding GMO foods from Norway

Just today I did a teleconference for our spiritual nutrition mastery students and one of the topics was GMO foods. As I see it, the key issue regarding the use of GMO foods is not whether I will get sick today if I eat a GMO soybean but rather what signals do my genes receive from consuming genetic materials that have been altered by scientists. Whay new blueprints have been imbedded into my personal genetic blueprint and how will that all manifest in the future of my health or in the health of generations to come.It is an imperfect science with too many unanswered questions.

Norwegian scientists have been quoted over the years as key researchers in this area and if you click on this link you will see where this may be coming back to haunt them. Enjoy the read and let me know what you think. http://www.monsanto.no/index.php/en/environment/gmo/gmo-news/74-the-norwegian-gmo-scandal.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Salicylates the new buzz word....

Everywhere you turn today you find a new product or restaurant that claims to be "gluten free". This is being done because the medical community is diagnosing gluten sensitivity more than ever before thus people are now "gluten free" consumers. Gluten is not so much the enemy but rather the quantity of it that we take in as part of the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet. Just check your food intake for the amount of wheat you consume, and while you are at it check the amount of sugar and dairy you and your family may consuming. No wonder we end up with lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance and diabetes. It is almost all due to the quantity we consume as part of the SAD diet.

I see the next buzzword being "Salicylates".  It is a natural compound found in plants and is a sort of  naturally occuring pesticide. This compound also helps plants fight diseases. It is important to understand that if we eat huge quantities of any single food we are putting ourselves at risk of consuming to much of what that food contains. It is for this reason we should eat a broad spectrum of raw plant based foods, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, some beans, sea vegetables, grains, berries, and some fruits (not too many).

We may recognize the word salicylate from common over the counter medications, especially N-SAIDS (aspirin or ibuprofin), as well as other compounds such as pesticides, and even some perfumes or fragrances and, plastics. These are forms that are made in labs for commercial use. Naturally occurring salicylates seem to be reduced when foods ripen naturally on the tree or bush before they are picked. Nature has a way of protecting the unripened fruit from various organisms until it is ready to be harvested for human consumption at which time the salicylate counts drop dramatically. Genetically modified foods (GMO) are said to contain high levels of salicylates so if we eat organic non GMO foods we don't consume the same volumes of salicylates.

Some foods high in salicylates:
Processed juices
Processed syrups
Chemically dried fruits and veggies
Processed sauces
Fruits picked unripe
Processed flavorings for foods

To eliminate or reduce salycilate sensitivity
Eat fruits that ripen naturally (don't overeat on fruit period, too much sugar)
Eat whole, pure and natural foods
Eat an organic plant based diet
Less commercially processed foods
Drink clean energetic water and fresh organic green vegetable juices
Avoid meds, cosmetics, and common household products containing salicylates

As you can see processed foods, unripened foods, and some man made products seem to be the greatest issue here. Moving to an organic, plant based, high variety form of eating greatly reduces anyone's intake of salicylates. Something we should all think about anyway.

A few diseases that have been implicated as a possible salycilate sensitivity
Certain types of asthma (aspirin allergy)
Meniers disease
Some forms of autism

This is just a quick primer on salicylates, if you feel you have an issue you might choose to do much more research. Remember, as in any lifestyle disease or sensitivity,  the effects are cumulative so if you start to improve your diet and lifestyle to a more natural way of eating and living hopefully you will reverse your symptoms, but please be patient.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Many people including myself love to use vanilla extract in smoothies and other recipes does it have any nutritional value?

The answer is across the board pretty much none. It does have a few calories (24 per 2 tablespoons which equals 399 for a cup) but thats pretty much it. Each serving has 1 sugar and 1 carb, almost zero protein, fats, sodum etc.
So in a way it provides us with a tremendous taste with nothing good OR BAD for us. Just a rich full flavor.

There are a few reported folk remedies that vanilla is used for:
1. It is calming to the stomach and helps with nasuea. Just mix in water.
2.It can help with weight loss since it does bring a sense of richness to what it is added to.
3. It has been reputed to help regulate menstrual cycles.
4. In an emergency it has been used on wounds with some positive results.
5. Because of its wonderful odor it has been reported to calm nerves and anxiety.

So don't stress over vanilla, just enjoy it as a regulat part of your diet.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Notes from Whole Health Warrior book

Each person creates and travels along their individual pathway, and no two are exactly the same. The major elements employed by the Whole Health Warrior consist of the seven sacred practices, the seven building blocks and the seven evolutionary behaviors. These are utilized as we create and follow our own pathway. You may have heard the “saying we each make our own way through life”, I may add to this: that we do so by creating and following our own “pathway”. Howard S. Friedman wrote a book called The Longevity Project which was a study in longevity over an eight decade span of time. The object was to follow a select group of children through eight decades of life and to see what factors were involved in early death or living a long life. Some people refer to this as the Terman study since the originator of the study was Dr. Terman.

In his book Dr. Friedman says, “There is no doubt that an unfortunate individual can be suddenly struck by a bus or by a virulent infection. There is no point in blaming the victim, and there is no way to have near perfect control over your health. Many times awful things happen for no rational reason, but as we have discovered over and over in our studies, some pathways are much healthier than others, and many people have made their own luck by following them”, (p. 203). He goes on to report that, “Hard work and accomplishment are strong predictors of a long life, (p.207), and “The deeper we dig into the lives of these people, the more we understand about the pathways to longevity”, (p 3). Becoming a Whole Health Warrior will lead you to the healthiest of all pathways as you will resonate with Divine Nature.

.The conclusion to be drawn is that whole person health is not limited to one factor nor even several factors, but rather the trajectory and pathway that a person chooses to follow during his or her life. The essence of the Whole Health Warrior is to provide you with some wonderfully healthy and uplifting companions to be brought along with you as you travel along your own personal pathway of life. When you are in the state of radiant health your body resonates with nature, you will feel this because you will have limitless and unbounded energy and grace in your life. Enjoy the journey.

Monday, June 11, 2012


When we get shingles as an adult here are a few things to consider

Shingles Notes

1. Main issue is suppressed immunity from
stress, immune suppressing drugs, trauma, illness.
Build the immune system.

2. It is the reactivation of the chicken pox virus and is held in the central nervous system.
Why do we give kids chicken pox vaccinations today?

3. Irritated branched nerve endings is what causes the severe pain.

4. Problem with adults who did not have chicken pox as kids or had a mild case.
Teenagers are now showing up with shingles due to all of the above.

9 Tips for relief

  1. No caffeine drinks it drains needed nutrients
  2. Vegan live food diet helps is advised
  3. Vit c, oregano oil, Lysine supplements
  4. Reishi, cordyceps, astragalus provide adrenal support. (Chinese herbals)
  5. B Comples for stress, D3 nutrient facilitation.
  6. 8 hours of sleep minimum.
  7. Capsacium on skin for pain relief
  8. Meditate daily
  9. Yoga

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Basyk Recipe
 3 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp ground flax seed
3/4 Cup warm water
Mix the above into the warm water let sit for 3-5 minutes
so water is absorbed into seeds.
This gives you the basic chia porridge to start with

From here I go nuts by adding the following:
Tbsp hemp seeds
Handful of goji berries
2-3 drops stevia or a bit of xylitol
Tsp bee pollen
3 chopped wal;nuts
3 chopped brazil nuts
Blueberries or strawberries
1 tasp tahini
1 tsp cacao nibs
1 Tbsp coconut flakes
And anything else that floats your boat.

Once you mix this all up it will be a bit thick like oatmeal add as much fresh hemp milk, almond milk or coconut milk you would like to make the texture the way you want it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


A message from Trish in Canada

This is a testimonial regarding the power of healing by the human body. This lady has had a neuromuscular for 15 years or more. She undertook the Whole Health Warrior eating plan and this is these are the results.

I am absolutely fantastic! How are you and Mary doing? I am on the road to a glorious road of good health and happiness! Thank you for your Whole Health Warrior book! I am reading it and learning so much! I am on a schedule and sticking to it! I think of you often and smile! When people ask me about the "diet" I am on, I smile. I then explain that it is a lifestyle choice called the Whole Health Warrior Pathway I have chosen and the results are clearly evident! I have only fallen once since the I started,. I have energy I never knew possible, my 'Charlie horses' are basically gone. Only 2 episodes. My circulation is really good and I don't have stomach aches or bloating any more! My headaches are considerably less. I feel healthy and happy. The English language lacks  the capacity to clarify how grateful I am to you!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

VACCINATIONS - pro or con

Last summer I spent some time listening to and speaking with Neil Miller author of Make an Informed Vaccine Decion for Your Child. He graciously shared his thoughts on childhood and adult vaccinations. I was especially concerned for we had a new grandson on the way. The topic is quite controversial so rather that write anything on the topic or express my personal opinions I would suggest you go to the following website for the organization called THINK TWICE:: http://thinktwice.com/

The material on the site is fascinating and gives you a different side of the story than you may receive from the medical community. It may help you make an informed decision.

Feel free to make comments here and start a dialog on this blog if you wish.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Introduction to Whole Health Warrior 
by Gabriel Cousens M.D.

It is a joy for me to write the introduction of Mike Chaet’s Whole Health Warrior book and its companion workbook The Whole Health Warrior Workbook to Living Healthier and Longer. As a person who is seen as a pioneer in the live food movement it is very nice to see Mike Chaet’s compassionate, thoughtful text go to publication. It represents the next significant wave of sharing of the vegan, live-food Culture of Life based paradigm with a larger population. This sharing of this vegan, live-food ecologically health and spiritually based paradigm is truly part of the evolutionary shift that is happening in our world as we the Whole Health Warriors move from the Culture of Death to the Culture of Life and Liberation. As Mike points out it isn’t exactly a new idea. This work has grown from the seeds of the Essene tradition descending from the prophets as far back as 500 BC, where it is said that Pythagoras studied with the Essenes at Mt. Caramel and returned liberated and a teacher of plant-source-only, live-food nutrition. There is a link between spiritual awakening, liberation, and a diet of live foods. A live food diet is the Whole Health Warrior’s diet which has the potential to turn you into a superconductor for the Divine and a highly energized potent player for the transformation of the planet. What I particularly appreciate about this book and its author is his outstanding skill as a compassionate bridging teacher helping people learn and be motivated to become Whole Health Warriors for healing themselves and the healing of the planet.
In his book he thoughtfully reviews each step of the process of becoming a Whole Health Warrior. Part one is titled Enlightened Education and, indeed, it is an enlightened education Mike Chaet shares with people. He elucidates on the importance of an overall shift into plant-based nutrition, the importance of live food nutrition in general, and that we are unique individuals as holistic Health Warriors and that our daily work is to become ever more powerful, sovereign examples for the world. When one masters this live food paradigm, which his two books empower one to do; one is able to make a larger contribution to one’s health and spiritual evolution. The implementation plan and workbook is extremely well-written and clear in that it provides the reader with a variety of plans that individualize and respect the sovereignty of each prospective Whole Health Warrior. The whole person health loopogram, the seven sacred practices, four individualized health plans (a 13 week; a 10 day; a 21 day; and a freestyle). All give much needed individualized options. This is all evidence of Michael Chaet’s understanding about what it takes to be a unique warrior transitioning into a lifestyle that is wide open and requires a significant amount of individualization.
            Having read every word of this book, I want to attest to the clarity and strength of how Mike Chaet has developed the teachings, and has thoughtfully shared how to navigate the paradigm shift, thus making the way clear for thousands of people to be inspired to make such a shift. The Whole Health Warrior book is a bugle call to action inspiring that spark of health warrior in each of us, to take the next step into enlightening ourselves and the whole world. We are very fortunate to have this gift for the healing of ourselves, our families, and our living planet. I recommend it for all people bridging and adventuring into this new way of life, because it will successfully empower you to do the work that needs to be done to become a Whole Health Warrior.

Blessings to your health and spirit,
Gabriel Cousens, MD
Author, Conscious Eating
May 2, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Sampson Electric Gear Juicer

This juicer is not the highest end available but is a good home workhorses and gets the job done for a reasonable cost. Good way to get started. Will talk about the high end juicers in the future...

Quick product review for those interested in wheatgrass. Have been using our Sampson electric juicer for several years now - love it. We do only wheatgrass and nut butters with it. It is slow and powerful and gets the job done. Great yield. Google Sampson Gear juicers for best pricing.
Prior to this we tried a hand crank type - what a pain, don't bother.
By the way if you are doing wheatgrass, grow your own or buy it by the tray at the local health food store. Juice away.


 Essential oils primer

To begin with I must start by saying I am a big fan of essential oils. I use them in one way or another, almost everyday for a whole host of purposes. I keep several small bottles in the car of lemon, grapefruit and orange oils. When I drive they seem to energize me and clear the air of other scents. I especially like the rich scent of frankincense; it seems to help me focus when I am writing articles such as this. I use my own blend of lemon eucalyptus when I fly.  The calming affects of lavender help slow things down at night before bedtime but most of all I very much respect the healing effects of tea tree oil and eucalyptus. I consider them the king and queen of my first aid kit.

A quick review tells us that essential oils are a pure derivative extracted from plants. They are considered by many to be plant hormones. So as to be considered pure, nothing is added or mixed with them. There are no added scents, or preservatives. The molecular structure is such so as when they enter the body through inhalation, skin absorption or otherwise they have a specific effect on the human body. Their vibratory frequencies match up to certain identifiable frequencies in the body thus causing the desired resonating effect. Essential oils enter the body as a subtle energy form.

The study of essential oils is a living science unto itself and since there are so many oils the combinations and effects is almost endless. Although it is different than traditional medicines essential oils if used properly may ease symptoms and aid the body in healing itself. The oils may used by themselves, in combination with others, or even mixed in with a carrier oil such as jojoba, which helps deliver the essential oils deeper into the skin and the body.

My Three Favorites

1. Tea Tree Oil
The scientific name is melaleuca alternifolia and is found as a native species in Australia. Since it has been used as a medicinal oil for centuries the effects of tea tree oil and how to use it have been passed down from generation to generation. I like something that has a proven empirical track record over generations of time. Tea tree oil is thought to increase the production of white blood cells that makes it as perfect aid in fighting infection and killing bacteria on contact. It is considered an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, ant-fungal as well as an immune system stimulant. This makes it an aid in fighting infection.

2. Eucalyptus oil
Having been in the health club industry for so long eucalyptus and I were very close friends. It is commonly used in saunas, steam rooms and inhalation rooms in health clubs. It is considered an extremely effective germicide, antiseptic, antibiotic, diuretic, analgesic, anti-viral, deodorizer, and anti-inflammatory. It is legendary for its effectiveness in reliving pain as well as bronchial congestion.

3. Lavender oil
Is known worldwide for its calming effects. It is used as a relaxant, antispasmodic, antidepressant, sedative and a nervous system tonic. Since it is well known foe its calming affect on the body it may very well help in preventing stress related diseases.  The element in lavender that helps reduce stress is called tarpenes. It has been used over the years for migraines, tension, and even burns and scalds and as an antiseptic. The best lavender oil comes from France

The first aid kit

These three oils are easy to use and can be kept in small dispenser bottles which may help make up a great first aid kit. Consider using for the following.

Tea tree oil
Abrasions, acne, arthritis, athlete’s foot, bad breath, bites, blisters, boils, burns, chicken pox, chiggers, cold sores, cuts, cysts, dandruff, dermatitis, dry scalp. Ear infection, eczema, flea bites, fly bites on pets, foot odor, fungus, gingivitis, hemorrhoids hives, ingrown hair, itchiness, lice, mosquito bites, nail conditioner, pimples, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, seborrhea, sore throat, stings, sunburn, thrush, ticks, toenail fungus, toothache oil, mouth ulcers, warts, yeast infections.

Arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, burns, cuts, emphysema, fibromyalgia, gout, hay fever, head congestion, insect bites, laryngitis, muscular dystrophy, neuropathy, osteoporosis, phlebitis, rashes, scoliosis, shingles, sinus, sunburn, insect repellant, repels fleas & ticks on pets.

Lavender oil
Antiseptic wash, anti-inflammatory, anxiety, burns, depression, flatulence, foot rub, fungus, herpes, hypertension, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, post partum, sinus headache, stretch marks, sunburn, wounds.   


Geronimo, M. Healing pain relief relaxation moisturizing- pamphlet on essential oils, Phoenix, AZ: Self Published. Used by permission of author Mark Geronim

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Addition, Replacement and Substitution

Your new lifestyle should  not be one of deprivation, nor will it be a prescribed diet plan. It should be a program that you will adopt by continually adding positive practices and forms of energy to your everyday life in such a manner so as to crowd out the negative practices and negative forms of energy such as processed foods, or laziness. Things you will add are, health building foods, regular walks, positive meditations, generous giving behaviors, and much more. When you are done constructing your new lifestyle there will be no room for negative stuff. The Whole Health Warrior does not win his/her battles by direct force or confrontation but rather by deflecting the negative energy of his/her opponent (the anti-health forces) so that it drifts in another direction. This deflection is accomplished by developing highly positive forces and energies so strong as to not allow negative energies near you, a sort of whole health shield or protection. Once you start you will be adding positive foods, lifestyle habits, and other behaviors, to your day to day routines. In this way your shield grows. I call this the theory of addition, replacement and substitution.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Just yesterday I was asked what pedometer do I suggest for everyday simple walking use. 

The answer is something that is simple : counts steps, easy to open and close, is protected with a cover, that has durability. The brand and model we had used for many years in our health club walking programs was
Accusplit AE 120XL. It is now available on Amazon for $14.95, which is a good price.Anything less expensive may not stand the test of time. Anything more complicated is more than we need.

The most important thing is that we all walk at least 30 minutes daily - this is called the Hygiene walk. It is an automatic and should be treated separately from our fitness or workout programs.It is included as part of the Whole Health Warrior natural hygiene sacred loop.

If we are to be an active individual a total of 10,000 total steps per day is the standard we should be striving for.
Our ancestors did that much before 10 am.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Ron Teeguarden’s comments on Whole Health Warrior:

"Mike Chaet's new book, "The Whole Health Warrior," is an exuberant transmission of the rapidly emerging and essential live food based life paradigm. This paradigm, like all important paradigms in the history of humanity, encompasses more than a few rules of eating and a set of supportive recipes. The paradigm represents an evolutionary shift in human culture. This book spells out a clear path to a happier, more fulfilling life. It beams with the love and kindness of this new generation. The philosophy has deep roots, sprouting like a fountain from the Essene tradition of more than two thousand years ago and encompassing the post modern philosophy of great teachers like Gabriel Cousens. It is clearly a progressive, visionary approach to living, and points to the future of humanity. The human world is on a razor's edge. It is not possible that the modern synthetic diet as we know can persist. Meat cannot be raised in a sustainable way into the future - the earth's ecosystem cannot bear it. Partially due to modern communication advances, millions upon millions of people are becoming aware of the need to move to a vegetarian diet. At the same time, these millions of people are opening their hearts and becoming compassionate workers. That becomes the central theme of this hopeful and inspiring book, the evolution of an army of "whole health warriors." The book is definitely a call to action to change our lives, and to change the world in the same at the same time, in the same spirit - a spirit of love, compassion and universal joy. I wholeheartedly support the ideal and feel compelled to become a whole health warrior"..

Ron Teeguarden
Founder Dragon Herbs
Author - Educator
Taoist Master

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

An introduction the the immune syatem

We here so much about the immune system I thought I would share my immune system primer with you today.

The immune system is a combination of parts taken from the other systems. It is more of a complex as opposed to a pure system, but once again it is essential to our very existence. This system is the result of how truly aligned and coherent we are with all our systems. It is as if our thoughts, feelings and actions are in alignment, and synchronized.
Once again meditation and prayer are great to help keep this all in alignment. It consists of bone marrow, the thymus gland, the spleen, tonsils and adenoids, plus the lymphatic glands. Its primary job is to protect the body from invaders and foreign cells. When you get a cold, flu, virus, or any bacterial infection, it is the immune system that attempts to fight this off by activating defender cells. When you get an infection the body tells these cells to destroy the invaders. The bone marrow creates white blood cells called lymphocytes (B cells) which in turn create antibodies to combat the invaders which are called antigens. Other cells that help in the process, (antigens killers), are created in the thymus thus are called T- cells. Some of these cells have a sort of memory and know what to do, thus the term immunity. The lymph glands primarily function to filter out the antigens, thus preventing the spread of disease throughout the body. Any weakness in the immune system opens the body to invaders and disease. In the case of severe deficiencies such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the immune system becomes so compromised that the body cannot fight anything off and may die from the simplest of diseases. Thoughts are clues for the immune system. What we believe in and what we think are like orders from our brains to our immune system. Thoughts are things and they carry a lot of power. They are a very strong form of energy. The direction and re-direction of our thoughts are a subtle and powerful talent and virtue. We must learn to cultivate this skill.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A few words on Xylitol

What is the Preferred Food Sweetener?

Xylitol is a sugar free food sweetener that was actually discovered around 1890 and has been used commercially as a food sweetener since the 1960’s. The preferred form comes from the bark of the birch tree. It is harvested in a sustainable manner that does no harm to the future growth of the tree. Xylitol may be extracted from other fruits or vegetables such as corn. At this writing our preference is the non – GMO source of birch xylitol.

This form of birch xylitol is non GMO, occurring naturally in the bark of the tree. Xylitol is also made in the human body in small amounts as part of the metabolic process. It has been proven to be of great benefit to diabetics in that it has a zero net carb effect on the body making it a very low glycemic sweetener. What makes xylitol different from other sugar alcohols is that it is a “pentosan” which is a polysaccharides consisting of five carbon pentose sugars while most other sugar alcohols consist of six carbon sugars. It is that extra carbon that may create dental and other health issues.

Considering the overall taste and versatility, the characteristic of xylitol are quite compelling:
  1. 1 teaspoon (equal in taste to one teaspoon of sugar) only has 10 calories.
  2. 1 teaspoon has 4 carbohydrates in the form of sugar alcohol, thus a net carb effect of zero.
  3. There is basically no further food value to the product such as fats, cholesterol, proteins etc.
  4. There is no aftertaste as found in some other sweeteners.
  5. Contains no wheat, gluten, corn, soy or dairy products thus making it a vegan product.
  6. Global research has linked it to healthy teeth and overall oral health.
  7. The local brand we have settled on as a favorite is made in the USA. There are, however, other manufacturers worldwide that also provide good xylitol products.

A few things to watch when using xylitol. Over consumption may have a mild laxative effect. So be mindful of the amount you are consuming. Dogs should not consume xylitol heavy foods for they may cause hypoglemic effect in dogs which is not good. If you are a 100% raw foodist you must be aware that xylitol is not a raw product.

Friday, March 23, 2012

More Detail on Chinese Herball Tonics

What Are Chinese Herbal Tonics

Before I delve into this topic I would like to thank my teacher of Chinese herbalism Mr. Ron Teeguarden. His deep and superior knowledge on this subject is second to none. Most of what I know and share with you comes from his generosity in sharing his wealth of knowledge with me. If you wish to delve further into this I strongly recommend you read his book, The Ancient Wisdom of the Chine Tonic Herbs.

Most of us have heard the word “tonic” used before but for the most part have not paid much attention to its true meaning. We may have even used it to order a drink such as “gin and tonic” or “tonic water”. It is one of those terms that have slipped into our common vernacular with not so much direct meaning. The purpose here in using the word tonic is to describe something that invigorates the body and restores energy. The word tonic may also refer to reinvigorating muscles as in “I have better muscle tone now that I am working out”.

An herbal tonic generally refers to an herb that brings tonus to various parts or systems within the body. This is generally done by improving various energetics within the body. We strive to improve the ability of the body to carry and accept energy from various sources. A tonic feeds and restores bodily energy. It may also have a protective function within the body. The body has the perfect built in protective system call the immune system. Certain Chinese herbal tonics and formulations help in building the immune system to a higher level. An herbal tonic may be restorative, protective, and it may produce and restore energetic flow throughout the body.

When we speak of “Chinese herbal tonics” we are actually referring to a system developed by Chinese herbalists and a set of herbs that have been classified as restorative and protective. This is the basis of the Chinese system of medicine. The “tonics” are primarily preventative and are used to build “radiant health”. According to Ron Teeguarden (January 2012, Los Angeles) there are fewer than 100 herbs on the earth that fall into this category. There are many more healing, medicinal, or cooking herbs on earth that have great value to us but they are not considered “tonics” in the classic sense.

I consider Chinese herbal tonics as a part of the proactive and preventative approach of The Whole Health Warrior. I use them to build health to prevent any decline in health. The more prescriptive medicinal herbs are used once a person becomes sick thus are considered reactive. It is for this reason that we consider Chinese herbal tonics an integral part of the Whole Health Warrior program. Since these herbs are botanicals and bring special considerations to body, mind, and spiritual growth we also consider them as its own “food Group”.

To briefly summarize the benefits of Chinese herbal tonics:
  1. Increase in body energetics (tonus).
  2. They affect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the whole person.
  3. further strengthens the overall function of the body
  4. Strengthens and improves overall energetics.
  5. To assist in protecting the mind, body, and spirit from damage and decay.
  6. Having said all of this we see that they improve overall bodily health and immunity

The Three Treasures
Traditional Chinese herbalism breaks the energetics of the body down into three classes or treasures.
  1. Jing is the treasure of “primal life energy. It is the basic energy we are born with. It is in our DNA. The energy that feeds our entire organism. It works in eliminating latent disease which is the state of disease before it manifests. By keeping our systems in balance and regulated it allows our bodies to resist problems. I personally have a belief that this energy is closely tied to our enzyme potential. In Taoist tradition it may be described as the wax part of the candle. Imagine the stored energy in a candle that stood six inches at the base and a foot tall versus a small birthday candle. Compare the stored energy in the two. That is jing.
  2. Qi or chi is the energy we burn all day everyday to carry out our functions as a human organism. We burn fuel like food and air to generate qi. Our blood pumps this energy form throughout the body. It is how we carry out our daily lives. Consider this as the wick and flame of a candle. One again compare the large candle with the small one. Which one burns the longest and hottest and shines the brightest? That is qi.
  3. Shen is the radiant light the candle gives off. It is the radiance you give off to others. It is your spirit and how you share it with the universe. Imagine the light given off by the big candle versus the small birthday candle. It is a question I ask each day of myself: How much radiance can I generate? The answer always relates to how seriously I execute my Whole Health Warrior practices. They form the jing, qi, shen, and protection; they build reserves and generate moment to moment energy. The answer lies in the foods, the water, the air, the activity, the natural hygiene, the service I provide, the joy I spread, plus the Chine herbals I consume

The Superstars of Chinese Herbs

The brilliance of Chinese herbalism is that for more than 4000 years the effects have been studied on billions of people. They have been classified and categorized as to how they affect us. All we have to do now is consume them. Remember I have classified them as their own food group. I consume them as I would any food group. Some I drink as teas, some I eat whole such as goji berries, some I put in salads and even some come as capsules. Doesn’t matter I just consume them.

The following is a list of my suggested top 5 list within each energetic category: Of course these herbs overlap within the three treasures, but are exceptionally strong in one of them as listed below. The herbs in these lists are primarily adaptogenic and bidirectional which means they will sere the body as the body needs. For example if you are tired it might give you a boost while if you are hyper it might slow you down a bit.

Jing herbs – building primal energy
1. Cordyceps
2. Eucomia bark
3. Schizandra
4. Goji (Lyceum) berries
5. Ho she wu

Qi herbs – providing energy for everyday use.
1. Siberian ginseng
2. Reishi
3. Gynostema
4. Astragalus.
5. Schizandra

Shen herbs – energy that will help you share your light with others
1. Ganoderma
2. Biblurem
3. Zizyphus seed
4. Polygala
5. Schizandra

Protectors – serve as protection for the body and build the immune system.
2. Rreishi spores (stronger)
3.Lyceum polysaccharides (Goji)
4. Astragalus
5. Cordyceps

The key to benefiting from Chinese tonic herbs is to first consider them as simply a food and build them into your regular intake as you would any other healthy foods. Second build a program that includes all three treasures and protection that you can do on a regular basis, and third understand your success will be built on regularity as opposed to quantity. Feeding the body these herbs regularly will build the three treasures and help you stay on the path to radiant health.