Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Where are you on the VEGAN SPECTRUM???

Life is not static... rather than a photographic snapshot, it is more like a movie.
Change is the only constant. There is no real destination but the journey itself.

These truths not only apply to life itself, but to each of the individual paths we each choose.

If you choose the vegan path or journey you will find yourself on a sort of spectrum ranging from being a vegan initiate (beginner) to becoming a sort of vegan master (veteran). The fun part is learning and experiencing it all along the way. A major component of this journey is to enjoy the experiences and keep them in perspective.

I post vegan information on my facebook page almost everyday. The purpose is simply to share vegan education, products, restaurants, stores, and anything else I think people might be interested in regarding the vegan journey. The funny thing is periodically I will get some criticism, you know how facebook is. Most of the criticism comes from what I call "holier than thou vegans". They might find fault with a product and say it isn't healthy. My answer is almost always The buyer will decide where they want to be on the vegan spectrum, they might be doing it for their health, or possibly the environment, or the animals. The other day I posted pictures of a beautiful selection of vegan cheeses. One of my followers got on and said they are not good products and basically said we shouldn't eat cheese, vegan or not. My response is that people love cheese and choose to eat it (I do). It all depends where you are on the vegan spectrum as to how you make your decisions.

Remember the PEAS acronym for vegans...Physical...Environment...Animals...Spiritual'''
Highlighting the four major aspects of veganism. It's part of the journey. Where are you on the spectrum regarding the four aspects?

Talking about the vegan spectrum I find it very interesting than non vegans or very beginners want to know what a vegan eats. I find that almost everyone is currently part vegan in what the eat. Look at the average dinner (a salad, a potato, some meat, a roll). Interesting enough 3 out of 4 items are vegan. Oatmeal for breakfast with almond milk is vegan, and on it goes. The point being most people currently eat a lot of vegan food (plant based) and don't even think about it. Switching to almond milk, cashew cheese or veggie burgers, even an occasional "chicken" veggie  nugget might be the next step moving along the vegan spectrum.

No one is a perfect "10" vegan, so don't take it too seriously. If you drive a car your oil, gas, and tires are all animal based products. You might have a leather belt or couch, don't look back, look forward, do the best you can moving forward, and definitely don't drive yourself, your family, or your friends crazy. Make good choices for you as you move along the vegan spectrum.

What you mean when you say "I am vegan", is that I am on the vegan journey meaning I am someplace on the vegan spectrum. Keeping this in mind will help you along the way.

May Peace Be With You

Friday, December 6, 2019


Almost everything you read or hear is that a vegan diet is in fact healthy for you...

Well not so fast, grasshopper!!!

The term "discriminating" means having good judgement. This is in fact essential when you construct a vegan diet. We must have good judgement when selecting what foods to eat, as well as how much too eat and when you eat it.

Here are a few examples to ponder. Let's go to the movies, buy your ticket and buy some vegan snacks... Here are a few vegan choices, popcorn (made with partially hydrogenated soybean oil, yikes), topped with vegan butter flavored GMO canola oil, oh oh, with a nice vegan sugar laden Pepsi, or maybe some Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, Red Vines or potato chips, all vegan. On the way home stop at the hamburg stand and get vegan french fries and a Coke for everyone. What a great vegan feast ...right?

As you can see all of these "food like substances, "(yeah right) are very unhealthy even though they are in fact considered vegan. This is where we must be discriminating. When converting to a vegan diet it is not enough to simply "not eat animals"or "animal products" but, we must discern between nutritious and non-nutritious (healthy and not healthy) foods.

Dr. Bernard Jensen taught three major rules regarding food selection. Consume your foods in the following 3 ways.

WHOLE - try to eat the food in it most unprocessed state. When you are selecting and preparing your foods  try to consume it in it's most unprocessed state. For example whole olives are better for us than olive oil, whole dates are better for us that date sugar, while a whole apple or carrot is better for us than a peeled one.

PURE - you know by now that organic means no herbicides, pesticides, GMO's. You know also that clean water not stored in BPA plastic containers is the best to consume.So as you see Dr. Jensen suggested we eat and drink as clean as we can

NATURAL - As much as we can we should try to eat things in their natural state, for example whole grapes more that grape juice, fresh raw sauerkraut rather that pasteurized sauerkraut and fresh raw corn on the cob rather that corn chips. Best to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible rather that processed. Of course some things must be processed to get the benefit, such as reishi mushrooms, but the idea is to do the best we can
Dr. Jensen would always say that " it is what you do most of the time that really counts, not what you do now and then". Was a wise man.

So as you see a vegan diet can be extremely healthy, or not so much, based on the choices and decisions you make. If we consider Dr. Jensen's three rules we see that a vegan diet can be optimally healthy. I believe more so than any other diet on the planet. Dr. Gabriel Cousens calls a 70-80% raw vegan diet the optimal evolutionary diet for mankind and the planet. Many other leading doctors such as Dr. Esselstyn and McDougal agree with these concepts and eating philosophies.

So in summary a balanced variety of vegan foods put together in a thoughtful manner is YES INDEED, a very healthy diet practice. So be discriminating, keep it real , keep it as much as whole, pure and natural as you can and you will maximize your vegan eating plan.

May Peace Be With You...

Friday, November 22, 2019


Fasting is a hot topic today.

Everybody seems to want to get on the fasting bandwagon these days. Actually, that is a good thing because proper fasting has been medically and scientifically proven to have huge health benefits. The major questions are what exactly is fasting and how do you do it safely. For complete details and protocols I would like to refer you to our free downloadable book entitled THERAPEUTIC AND SPIRITUAL FASTING available in our bookstore at. www.theveganjourney.org.

This blog is intended to discuss the popular practice and term called "intermittent fasting". There are many definitions and protocols of fasting such as a water fast, a juice fast, the grapefruit fast and on and on. The main intent, and concept of fasting is to create a radical change in your dietary habits. Classically this is true, BUT, for our purpose we will define fasting as simply refraining from solid foods. We might also include anything that must be processed by the liver and activate insulin secretion. This would include juices, and most other liquids except water. But remember your fast should be constructed to fit your lifestyle and objectives. We find a green juice fast quite practical for most people.

Back to the subject at hand, INTERMITTENT FASTING. This is a popular term used today to describe a daily routine of limiting your eating time to an "eating window" while just consuming water the rest of the time. Various people have limited their eating window anywhere from 2 to 8 hours. For example a 2 hour eating window may be from 4-6 pm, while an 8 hour eating window may be from noon to 8 pm. It is up to the individual as to what they wish to do.

So here is the issue. the true purpose of FASTING is to enhance the state of autophagy. Autophagy is the body's natural ability to sort of "self cleanse" by consuming faulty cells and by products of metabolism in the body. As part of normal everyday physiologic and metabolic function we create by-products as well as things such as cancerous growths, and even infections. Autophagy is sort of a cannabalistic process of consuming these and cleaning it up so it can be carried out of the body. Sort of like the garbage truck in your neighborhood. I realize this is an oversimplification but hopefully it tells the story.

So here comes the good stuff. Possibly the greatest benefit of TRUE FASTING (not intermittent fasting)  is that it puts the body into a supercharged state of autophagy, sort of like a powerful vacuum cleaner in the body. But here is the catch, this process of supercharging actually starts around the third day of not eating solid foods. Therefore intermittent fasting is not what I call true fasting but rather what we prefer to call TIME RESTRICTED EATING (TRE), which does in fact have significant benefits.

Some of the general benefits of TIME RESTRICTED EATING (TRE) are as follows:
1. Can help stabilize blood glucose levels.
2. If you eat healthy foods can help to restrict total calorie intake.
3. Rests the digestive system for a significant amount of time on a daily basis.
4. May help with weight control.
5. Does enhance autophagy a bit.
6. may improve insulin sensitivity.
7. Studues show it reduced body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

These are just a few possible benefits of TRE, there are many more for consideration, I suggest you do some more research.

Our suggested TRE schedule for the average person is to schedule your eating window from noon to 8pm while not eating from 8pm through noon the next day. This gives you an 8 hour eating window and a 16 hour non eating time. However based on your lifestyle and personal schedule you can adjust this to suit yourself. Of course during your eating window eat as healthy as possible.

If you decide to give this a try let us know how it goes.

May peace be with you.



Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Certainly eggs are not vegan,
but most people don't fully understand the full scope and implications of consuming eggs and what are the concerns directly related to them
Let's clear up a few points.

1. Eggs are simply a product of an animal thus simply don't qualify as a vegan food.
2. Yes, eggs are a good source of protein however it is no reason to eat them. A vegan has many choices of high quality protein from their plant based diet.
3. 1 single egg contains 37,000,000 pathogenic microorganisms, beef, lamb, poultry and seafood average 336,000,000, while the average entire vegan meal only contains 500 pleomorphic pathogenic microorganisms.
4. Eggs are probably one of the.foods to avoid for prevention and treatment of mycosis.
5. Diseases may also appear in eggs from sick hens.
6. Modern farming techniques may include feeeding chickens antibiotics, colored dye (makes yolks brighter in color), tranquilizers, hormones, and many other substances to harden shells and increase production.
7. Factory farming of egg layers is cruel at best. It is a dark world that treats the chickens as machines. A buddhist friend of mine told me she doesn't eat eggs because they belong to the chicken and she has no right to take them from her, now that is compassion.

A plant based vegan diet does not carry the same risk of salmonella, mycosis, or increased cholesteral. It further eliminates the worries associated with pesticides, toxins, hormones, and other chemicals that may be found in eggs.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like sources for any of the stats or issues discussed here.
There is a deeper discussion of this topic in THE WHOLE HEALTH WARRIOR  book as well


Monday, November 11, 2019


If you like kraut you will love this recipe.
Nothong is quite as healthy and tasty as home made kraut...
A fantastic raw vegan probiotic food.

1 head of green cabbage (shredded, I use a food processor)
1 TBSP pink salt
1 1/2 carrots (shredded)
2 ;3 cloves of garlic chopped
1 /2 red bell pepper chopped
1/2 jalapeno pepper chopped (optional)
1 TBSP garlic powder
1 TBSP poppy, caraway or celery seeds

Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix well.
Use a large wooden spoon to 'wilt" the mixture. do this by sort of chopping down on the mixture thus breaking down the cell structure,
When wilted place mixture in quart mason jars, Pack down as tight as possible, I use a wooden tamper purchased on Amazon. You can use a wooden spoon or anything that works. Should be very tightly packed. Leave about 2 " at top of jar and take a cabbage leaf to top off the mixture. Then place a small non breakable shot glass on top and cover...

I use a system called a PERFECT PICKLER which allows the gasses to escape but no outside bacteria to get in. They are also available on Amazon . Love it and have been using for years.

once packed down and covered let sit in a dark cool place for about 10  days. Open up, remove top cabbage leaf and enjoy. Once opened store in fridge.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Here is a simplified understanding and approach to probiotics.

A probiotic is a microorganism that is helpful in preventing and curing various types of illnesses. PRO meaning life while ANTI means against life, or death. A healthy immune system and digestive tract are the key benefits of a balance of various probiotics in the body. According to Harvard Medical School your biome or gut)  is host to over 100 trillion microorganisms from over 500 different species. These are just the friendly microorganisms, or healthy bacteria.

The idea is to introduce a variety of multiple strains of these friendly bacteria (probiotics) into your gut throughout the day.This is why we suggest four different sources throughout the day. Although you don't really need to worry too much about the names of these bacteria the following are a few of the common ones you may find on the labels of various probiotic foods and drinks.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobaccilis rhamnosus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillis bulgarius
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium bifidium
Plus over 495 more...whoa!!!!

So how do you keep track of all this?
It is actually not so hard... The key here is variety.
Select as many  "probiotic " foods or supplements and rotate them throughout the day and the week.
Here are a few to start with...all add to the biome friendly bacteria.
Of course these sources are all available as vegan options. All should be non pasteurized.

Non dairy yogurt (almond, coconut, cashew etc)
Non dairy Kefir
Fermented veggies
Farmhouse brand culture gut shots
Culture apple cider vinegar'
Non vinegar pickles
Dietary supplements

All of these are available in most health food stores, some grocery stores and even online at Amazon.


The following are conclusive findings from thirteen different peer reviewed scientific studies. Taken from the book THE FOOD REVOLUTION by John Robbins.

1. Eating more fruits and veggies increase survival rates in women with ovarian cancer.
2. Eating more fruits and veggies including a little soy reduces the risk of breast cancer.
3. Animal protein is associated with decreased bone health.
4. A small amount of soy protects against lung cancer.
5. A low fat vegetarian diet and healthy lifestyle rejuvenates coronary arteries.
6. Eating chicken has been implicated in urinary tract infections.
7. Excessive animal protein increases diabetic risk.
8. Moderate soy intake increases breast cancer survival.
9. A plant based diet improves mood.
10 Pregnant women's diet affects their babies risk of diabetes.
11. Red meat consumption increases the risk of diabetes.
12. Some soy intake decreases the risk of hip fractures.
13. Red meat increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


In order to be successful on your vegan Journey you must experience a certain level of satisfaction in what you are eating. After all we really should enjoy life.  I have mentioned before my early journey was quite a challenge, all we could order in a restaurant was baked potato and salads...quite the challenge to stay on course.

Your new lifestyle should not be one of deprivation, nor, should it be a restrictive prescribed diet plan. Your vegan journey will be one THAT ADDS POSITIVE PRACTICES AND HABITS THUS PUSHING OUT THE NEGATIVE ONES.  Replacing negative energies with positive ones. Things that you will add are tasty health building foods, regular walks, positive meditations, generous giving behaviors, practices that heal the earth and help end animal cruelty.When you are done reconstructing your lifestyle there will be no room for negative stuff.


ADDITION is the practice of adding positive habits and practices to your everyday life.. Building new schedules that include walks and meditations, making sure you drink enough good clean water, adding foods and supplements that bring positive energy to you.

REPLACEMENT is the conscious act of bringing in new positive energy  foods and habits that crowd out the old negative ones. For example replacing the bad habit such as smoking or drinking sugary drinks with other habits that are more positive such as writing in your journal when you want to smoke or drinking veggie juice rather that sugar drinks
SUBSTITUTION is the direct act of observing what you are eating or drinking and finding a direct satisfying vegan substitute for that item. Today we have so many choices,for example if you like ice cream try one of the many vegan options, same for cheese, milk, cookies, and even meats.

The following are a few examples to get you thinking. All are available at health oriented stores and even many at mainstream grocery stores.

Yogurt - many types are available such as cashew, almond even oat milk yogurt. My favorite brands are Kite Hill, Nancy's, and Forager.
Beef Patties - Favorites are Beyond Beef and Litelife (20 gr. of protein). Same for sausages, hot dogs, and crumbles.
Cows milk - So many types and brands to choose from, almond, cashew, oat, rice and so on.
Chicken of beef broth - Once again a host of choices of flavored veggie broths. Great for soup bases or plain.
Cheese - this is a big one, everyone loves cheese. So many now available, but our favorites are. Miyoko's (amazing taste texture and variety), our favorite is smoked farmhouse, ,  Follow Your Heart (cheddar or smoked gouda cheese slices  Daiya, good for vegan pizza. The are plenty more, find one you like and enjoy.
Chicken nuggets - The kids love these, Quorn seems to be the favorite.
Cookies - Trader Joe"s oatmeal chocolate chip vegan cookies are great.
Soda pop - Zevia soda and Bai are both very tasty and sugar free.
Even fast food places have vegan burgers or tacos as part of their menu.

So as you can see substituting vegan foods for low energy non vegan foods today is pretty easy.

This isnt' the end of the list but just the beginning.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019



One of our favorite hobbies when we are traveling is to find new quality vegan restaurants and health food stores. Here are a few we have discovered and would like to share with you. Since we are are not professional food critics we will not be grading these restaurants but simply sharing the ones we like the best. So all come with a HIGH recommendation, and are places we eat at whenever we are in the area.

Lovin Spoonful - A  small quaint place with a great menu. Must say their corn chowder was as good as I've ever had. Also has a tempeh bacon wrap "double stuffed". Will be a regular stop when in the area.

Pomegranate Cafe - A long standing favorite of ours. We eat there whenever we can. Great place to take friends. Mary loves the street tacos. We absolutely love the cinnamon rolls (only served on weekends), plus their coffee drinks and smoothies are awesome

Cafe Gratitude - The city is loaded with great vegan eateries but our favorite is Cafe Gratitude in Venice. Never had a bad meal there and have eaten almost everything on the menu. The biggest problem is to decide what to choose. Make sure you are hungry when you go there because you will surely eat a lot.

Gracias Madre - If you are vegan and like Mexican food this is your place. Everything from nachos to tacos to enchiladas. All amazing,, be sure to order guacamole is is to die for.

Natures - Fantastic cafe with an unbelievable menu. Smoothies, juices, tofu scramble, great salads and so much more. You could eat there everyday for a year and never order the same dish twice. A regular stop for us when we are passing through Palm Springs. Set up like a cafe with short order cooks.

Enjoy and feel free to share your favorites with us. We will be adding to this list regularly..

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I have tried many of the commercial vegan meat-like burgers and would like to share some thoughts.
The first of which is that I am extremely glad they are on the market now. When I first started on the V path all I could get in restaurants were salads and baked potatoes. I've said this before, but it was boring and discouraging. The first generation of V foods were tasteless and had the consistency of cardboard, that image still sticks with many people even til today. The V options today are amazing in taste and texture. There is no longer any reason not to eat them based on poor taste or texture. Everyday something wonderful and new hits the market, it is an exciting time for vegans.

With that being said we still have to be vigilant to make sure we are eating the best possible V foods. Best to have organic, non GMO, and as unprocessed and chemical free as possible. As Dr. Jensen used to say eat whole, pure, and natural as possible.

On occasion you might like a burger meal, I know I do. So we have many choices starting with making your own, with one of the many great recipes available. We also could buy one of the organic "veggie"(black bean)  patties found in the freezer section. Many of these are great tasting and pretty healthy. However you might want one of the "meat like" burger patties that you might get in a fast food restaurant or to make at home. When we eat them we are usually cooking them at home on a griddler

Yes they are processed but some stand out among the others. One major requirement we have is that they are non GMO. These two fit that bill, and are on the top of our list..

BEYOND BEEF BURGERS are non GMO, and have a base of pea protein, rice protein and mung bean protein,.no soy or gluten...20 grams of protein. Even though it does contain canola oil it is non GMO... The redness that looks like blood comes from beet juice, pomegranate powder and lycopene color.(this is our V burger of choice). They also make a V sausage with a similar nutrient profile.

LIGHTLIFE BURGERS Are also non-GMO, and have a similar ingredient profile as Beyond meat burgers, pea protein based. Taste and texture are quite good and also  have 20g. of protein. They also make hot dogs , tempeh, crumble and other nice products.

Monday, October 28, 2019


This is the most simple yet versatile recipe ever...

1 head of cauliflower

Using knife cut up cauliflower into pieces that will fit in food processor.
Put pieces in food processor...do not overload.
PULSE until cauliflower is consistency of rice...
May store in fridge 5-7 days...

Use anyway you would normally use cooked rice...
Use to make raw sushi...
Use as a base to make raw vegan pizza crust...
Use as a base to make raw crackers or bread...
Sprinkle on salads...
it is endless...tasty... and healthy

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Q. What do you think about all of the new plant based products hitting the market?

A. Thanks for the question Marcia...

I am VERY excited about the new plant based products that are now available. When I first started my V journey all I could get in restaurants was a salad and baked potato... boring after awhile. The variety and improved quality today is great.I am especially impressed by the variety and quality of the mylks and cheeses. Even the vegan meats add some excitement to meal planning.

However the consumer must be smart, aware and discerning. Just because it is vegan doesn't mean it is healthy. French fries are vegan but we know they are really a junk food, and after all, junk food is still junk food, So we still must read the labels and be aware of what is on our plate. Check the sugar, fat, chemical and sodium content. So even though it may be good for the animals it may not be good for the humans.I simply say "buyer beware."

The jury is still out on the new craze of vegan burgers. Of course when you stick them on a white hamburger bun a cover them with sugary catsup you are ending up with a junk food. But as Dr. Jensen used to say it is what you do most of the time that counts. Once in awhile a bit of something off track will not harm you. So if you are inclined, treat yourself a bit, now and then. BUT will always keep it 100% vegan.

May peace be with you
Baruch Hashem

Friday, October 25, 2019


Here is a simple recipe to make a cheezy sauce that will spice up many of your dishes. Use as a dip, or coating for items you wish to dehydrate such as onion rings or kale.

1/3 cup raw cashews
1 red bell pepper (cut in pieces)
4 TBSP nutritional yeast
1 tsp garlic powder
1 clove fresh garlic
1 TBSP olive oil
2 limes juiced
dash of salt
water to thin mixture(make it to texture you desire)
dash of cayenne if you want it a bit spicy

Place all ingredients in a magic bullet and blend til smooth
Use as coating, dip oe dressing...enjoy

Thursday, October 24, 2019


When you become a vegan of are thinking of doing so, you will be bombarded with questions such as, " where do you get your protein" or "How do you eat a well rounded diet", What do you eat"? The answer is simple  " I get my protein and nutrients from my food just like you do".

The following are some guidelines and tips in constructing a thoughtful well rounded vegan eating plan.

Start by dividing your daily food into four major groups.


The average American consumes way more protein than is needed. The average person only needs 40-50 grams of protein per day. With a four part well rounded vegan diet that is totally realistic with almost no effort, Protein deficiency is not an issue in the U.S.

Black beans and other legumes - 100 grams of black beans yields around 21 grams of protein, You will also get fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate and other nutrients when you eat legumes.
Pea isolate protein powders - If you are into smoothies or soups dump a serving of pea protein powder to get around 25 grams of protein.
Oats - will provide you with 17 grams per a 100 gram serving, plus very tasty.
Quinoa - A great ancient grain providing you with about five grams per serving...tasty too.
Guava - is a protein fruit with about 3 grams per serving.
Pistachio nuts - will provide 20 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. The perfect salad topper of snack.
Other miscellaneous vegan sources include, tempeh, non dairy yogurt and kefer. You might notice tofu is not on the list here. I will address that at a future post. We are not so high on tofu.

Fats are good brain food as well as helping in the construction of hormones. It is an essential part of the diet.

Avocados - A half of an avocado will provide you with about 10 grams of monounsaturated fat. That is a good fat the helps keep bad cholesteral down.
Nuts - They are very high in fat so best to eat less than a quarter of a cup per day which will provide about 17 grams of fat per day. If you are trying to gain weight eat more.
Seeds - My two favorite seeds are sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds, both are quite low in fats but are nutritional powerhouses. I like to make them into seed butters and eat a tablespoon of each per day. Sunflower seeds are good as well but are extremely high in fat so limit them. Chia, flax and hemp seeds are great salad toppers as well.
Oils - Be careful with oils such as olive, avocado, sunflower etc. It is a very highly processed food and should probably not be used to cook with. A little bit sprinkled on a salad with lemon is okay,

Carbs are an essential part of our diets but be careful no to overdo them. Also would be best if not overly processed such as white bread.

Grains - In general grains should be somewhat limited. Mostly ancient grains such as teff are the beat. Other grains that we find acceptable for many reasons are, quinoa, barley, amaranth. and millet.
Sweet potatoes and yams -No fat, no cholesterol, minimal sugar (6g), loaded with nutrients.
Sprouted grain tortillas - are a good substitute for bread.

Leafy greens - should be a staple almost everyday. Highest in nutritional values per calorie of all foods.
Cruciferous veggies
Root veggies
Veggies that grow on vines or stalks
All fruits in limited quantity.

I think you get the idea if it is a veggie...eat it...mix up the colors...make a rainbow salad daily...each color represents a different set of nutrients so it will round out your personal nutrient profile.

Make sure you add a few probiotic foods to your daily plan such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir,  kombucha, or other veggie  ferments such as kimchee. It will help you balance out you gut biome
We also suggest you have a daily serving of various sprouts as part of your plan. Put them in your salad or wraps..

So you see being vegan gives you an amazing array of highly nutritious and tasty foods. Won't be long before your friends and family want to eat like you.

May peace be with you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Many people consider veganism as a diet. This is not the case, it is rather a way of living, a lifestyle if you prefer to give it a label.Of course eating is a major part of our lives so veganism does in fact encompass how we eat and what food choices we make.

We look at veganism as a four dimentional lifestyle with an underlying philosophy of "do no harm" or Ahimsa.

Dimension #1...PHYSICAL
The physical dimension of course starts with a healthy vegan diet. One that promotes cleansing, healing and prevention. As part of this we should include regular physical activity and activities that promote a quiet mind. In other words we are taking care of our own body and minds.Ahimsa.

Dimension #2...ECOLOGICAL
Our behavior, activities and outlook should be aimed at sustainability of the environment and the planet as a whole. what we do and the way we do it should cause no harm to the planet, the air and our water. The object is to leave it all better that how we found it. Ahimsa.

Dimension #3... THE ANIMALS
The animals are the true victims of our careless lifestyle and eating choices. If we look at animals as sentient beings with a unique soul and consciousness, we would give them the respect they deserve. We would not lock them up like prisoners. We would not torture them. We would not drug them to death and take their babies away. We would respect them. Ahimsa.

Dimension #4... SPIRITUAL
For us to get the most out of life we need to consider this dimension very seriously. We need to realize that we are simply part of the entire scope of nature and consider carefully how best we fit in to the greater scheme of things. Communimg with nature regularly, looking at the stars in wonderment, and living a life of service helps us answer the bigger question... what is our purpose?

This post is just an introduction to the four dimensions of veganism. Each of these dimensions will be examined in great detail as we go along.

Why would I ask you say... well the acronym for the four dimensions of veganism is PEAS...
Physical, Ecological, Animal, Spiritual... so put some peas on your plate and give it some thought...

May PEAS be with you.  

Monday, October 21, 2019


Veganism is one of the fastest growing trends on the globe. New products, new restaurants, and new books are popping up everywhere, With all of this growth and activity there comes some confusion as to how to incorporate veganism into your life. So to help you manuever through the maze we have created this one stop site to provide you with good education, usefull tips and great resources.

We will be covering all the major topics and hot buttons related to the vegan  and holistic lifestyle including recipes, places to get good vegan meals, new product releases, fasting, weight loss or gain, supplementation,plus controversial topics such as 5G and how to deal with it. We will even answer your personal questions right here.

Just a few tips...
1. There are already many useful posts on this blog from the past, take a few minutes, look through them and pick a few that might interest you.
2. Check this blog out everyday for the latest and greatest tips and posts.
3. Be sure to contact us with any questions regarding your own vegan journey.

So remember every journey starts with the first step... so start today...may peace be with you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


June 30, 2015

My lifelong friend, Marc, submitted this question for consideration. It is a question we are all concerned with. I can't begin to tell you how many people have said to me "I would love to eat the way you do, but it is too expensive".

Q. Mike, Do you believe that the extra money stores like Whole Foods charge for their products are really worth it in health benefits, since a lot of those labels seem to be meaningless?

A. Great question Marc, there are a lot of moving parts here and I hope to get to all of them for you.
I would like to start by saying that my wife Mary and I are fully committed to eating vegan and much of it in its natural uncooked state. We are on this path for many reasons which we can discuss at different time. We share a lot of the duties regarding this lifestyle and more specifically the food we eat. We believe that eating food that is organic, local, in season, whole, pure and in its natural state brings great health benefits at many levels.  That is our commitment, so with that as a back drop, let's continue.

Executing this lifestyle is of course where the tires hit the road. We have set up informal rules for ourselves that serve as a blueprint for how we do this.  Here they are for the first time ever in written form.

1. We acquire and prepare most of our food ourselves in a conscious manner
2. In carrying this out we try to buy all of our food from conscious growers and vendors. I personally vet almost everyone we buy from and actually have called their suppliers to see if it is all up to speed. I have a list of questions I ask each one of them. Sounds like a lot of work but it really is fun.  I learn a lot, and it gives me great confidence in what I am eating, as well as who I am buying from. Once you have vetted your main products and suppliers you only have to do that once in awhile. Just yesterday I vetted stevia products and vendors. (See yesterday's blog for results.)
3. When we eat out we will always try to eat at some type of conscious restaurant, typically not chains, steakhouses, etc. But on the road in a pinch who knows, but it will always be plant based foods.
4. We always try to carry our own food with us wherever we go so we have more control over the quality. Coolers are great and our little RV has a fridge.
5. We try to keep our packaged or processed foods to a minimum. It doesn't always work out that way so we are diligent label readers. We watch for additives, sugars, preservatives, unknown chemicals, etc, and try to avoid them.
6. If an item is on "the dirty dozen list "(Google it) we will ONLY buy it organic, otherwise, we will do without. If it is on the "Clean 15" (Google again, we might buy it if organic is not available or too expensive.

With all of this said we discover fun things and have great adventures together, even when we travel, which is a lot..Let's move forward with the cost of living this way that is mostly organic and live foods. Although we do much of this together, Mary is a very careful shopper both in selection, quality and pricing. She knows how much things should cost and which stores have the best products at the right price, which includes farmers markets. Since we want things as fresh as possible we shop or "pick a few things up" quite regularly. The days of giant shopping and stocking up (my bad habit) for us are history.Once again short frequent stops are just built into our daily lifestyle.  I am going to tell you we do have a Whole Foods within walking distance of our condo in Phoenix, but for the reasons stated above it is not our primary shopping spot. We don't actually have a single shopping spot but rather several, and based on what Mary observes it is a fluid process. The following are several places we shop in Phoenix area.   Sprouts Market mostly for our staples and quick pick ups. Whole Foods for whatever Mary says we need there  She also added that WF has great sales items so we can try new things at a great price. Costco has become the largest organic retailer in America.  I have vetted their suppliers and am happy with the info I have gotten for organic non-GMO products that we use regularly.  Plus they come in great sizes.   Local farmers markets for produce in season So this is where we buy more than 90% of our food. We also belong  to a great community garden in Bozeman, so we get some of our food from there as it is ready to harvest.

So keeping your food budget down while keeping the quality and health benefits up can be built into your lifestyle. Of course, eating right and preventing disease is ALWAYS going to be less expensive than paying the doctors to fix what is broken or not working right. Prevention will always be the best cure.

Here are 8 Tips:

1. Shop in several stores for specific products, be aware of pricing for your key items. Spread the wealth.
2. Shop at local farmers markets.
3. Prepare most of your own foods and keep them with you..
4. Be select on the restaurants you choose.
5. Read labels, Non-GMO Certified Project and FDA Certified Organic are the ones we trust as of today.
6. The words natural, genuine, healthy are all meaningless.
7. Be an informed consumer, vet your suppliers, read blogs like this.
8. Feel free to contact me to check out a product for you. I love it.

Being a Whole Health Warrior is being your own advocate. As we say,
"your body should last a lifetime".  Enjoy the journey.

Monday, June 29, 2015



This will give you the base for any green smoothie. The idea is to get as much greens into the drink as possible to pack in the minerals. Too heavy on the fruits taste good but is overloaded with sugars, so use fruit as a side sweetener. 

Large handful of spinach or kale or other green leafy veggie.
A bit of Xylitol or stevia will offset the bitterness of the greens.
8-10 oz. of nut mylk 
4 ice cubes
Now kick ck it up with a hand full of blueberries or strawberries
1 TBSP bee pollen (local if possible
1 TBSP vegan protein powder (hemp or pea is good)
1v TBSP of a good green powder (premier greens is my favorite or Sun is Shining)
1 TBSP spirulina
2 walnuts
2 Brazil nuts
1 TBSP ground flaxseed
10 Goji berries

This should make your day....


 STEVIA  2015
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

What is really exciting about being on the Whole Health Warrior journey and the quest to raise consciousness is that we are always learning, growing and discovering. One lesson I have learned is never to be afraid to jump in at anytime for fear of the development of the proverbial better mousetrap. What a horrible non-vegan image, but you get the idea. I hold this standard with my food choices, using the best information at the time to make my decisions. Study what is available, be discerning, decide, and move on. Never being afraid to come back and revisit this when “new” information is made available.

So is the case with stevia. When I first started using stevia, the object was to replace sugar and any of the common artificial sweeteners. In my mind the evidence regarding each of those was no longer debatable. Stevia is a plant that has been used for centuries as a medicine and sweetener which has zero affect on insulin levels in the blood so I started using it...

In those days you basically got stevia in a shaker, sort of ground up greenish stuff, we didn’t use much because it was very sweet but it worked fine. Then something happened to our stevia. It started to look like sugar, came in little packages of white powder in coffee shops, and in liquid bottle droppers with fancy flavors, plus it was given fancy names like Truvia, Stevia in the raw and so on. Intuitively I knew something was amiss here, but by then I wasn’t using much because I had moved onto different non glycemic sweeteners. When people asked me about stevia I would tell them it had no impact on insulin, that I wasn’t crazy about the taste, etc.


Recently my friend asked me to read an article by a person names “Food Babe” (Vani Hari) dated 6/28/15 entitled INVESTIGATING SNEAKY INGREDIENTS IN STEVIA.

In summary here is what she writes:

She starts by telling us how bad sugar is for us, which most of us already knew, and that Americans eat way too much (130 pounds per year), and that it is addictive. Got it!

She then shares with us a brief history of stevia and how it is a plant from South America, That the extract is 200 time sweeter than sugar, and zero impact on blood insulin levels.  Got it!

Here's where it got interesting for me, thank you Food Babe for making my life easier.


The sweetener market is huge generating megabucks, so of course BigCorp wants their share. By now sugar and artificial sweeteners like aspartame are getting bad raps (rightfully so) so it’s time to find a new cash crop, enter stevia. BUT we need to reformulate it because natural is no good, rebrand it, who wants to call a food by its real name, repackage it remarket it, and all the rest.

So today we have a something new (not sure what it really is) that people are using as stevia. Some issues to consider:
  1. Many of the brands are highly processed with as many as 40 steps.
  2. In some cases the processing itself is patented.
  3. Many of the processes are using chemicals, even possible carcinogens.
  4. Some of the processes include acetone, methanol, ethanol, acetonitrale, isoproponol and other hard to pronounce non food items.
  5. Then you might find additives to the final product such as dextrose, erythrotol, agave inulin, even silica.
  6. Much of all of this includes non organic and GMO products or by-products
  7. Stevia leaf has a long history of human usage while this other stuff doesn’t. Is it safe?

So as you can see the poor friendly little stevia plant is under assault and the finished product is now called a food. Any questions?


BigCorp is going to do their thing but I WILL NOT be participating.
I will not buy brands such as Truvia (by Coca Cola), Pure Via (Pepsico product), Stevia in the Raw or any other product that appears to processed in these ways. Don’t need the product that bad, value my health too much, and do not want to feed the BigCorps until they wake up and become conscious.


Continue to research this issue and report back to you when I have something worthy of reporting, such as new suppliers or new news on this topic. New tips such as looking for the words “whole leaf stevia” on labels (good).
I will endorse and buy from companies that treat our food with respect and consciousness. The following are 3 companies I have vetted and will buy from them (already have) and will use their stevia products. (More to come- this is a work in progress).
We will start to carry the best Stevia we can find in our online store at whwstore.com
Will have it online July 15th. Always at a 20% discount.

1. Sweet Leaf Stevia (Wisdom Natural Brands)
Gilbert AZ. 800-899-9908 – sweetleaf.com
I have vetted them, only organic stevia leaf, no chemicals, water based extraction, and flavorings are botanical herbs, fruits, and veggies. No GMO, MSG, or other bad stuff.
Product is heat stable, can be used in cooking and baking. (Liquid drop form).

Call Melissa if you have any questions, she is very helpful.

2. Green Stevia Leaves
All organic – simply dried leaves- you may grind it up yourself.
Available on Amazon for $16.88

3. Frontier Natural Products Coop
Green leaf stevia powder – (organic)
16 Oz. - $22  

So hope this helps and many thanks to FoodBabe for bringing us up to speed.
Google her for her website and blog or follow her on Facebook.

Baruch Hashem

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Warrior Words to live by from Lao Tzu
When you find the way
Others will find you
Passing by on the road
They will be drawn to your door
The way that cannot be heard
will be reflected in your voice
The way that cannot be seen
Will be reflected in your eyes
~ Lao Tzu
A Whole Health Warrior is judged by his or her actions
not by what they say they say they are going to do....

Friday, January 30, 2015


Warrior Words
“Life is what you make it,” this is very true.
Find beauty and magic in all things,
and the Love that sees you through.
When you look at the world where you live,
seek not your gain, but what you can give.
When a man is poor, and hungers, and thirsts,
serve not yourself til you serve this man first.
When a man is down and seeks shelter from cold, give him shelter.
You’ll receive blessings untold.
Live by the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you’d have done unto you.
And always remember:
When you destroy, you destroy a part of you, too.
Life is what you make of it!
~ Unknown

Sunday, January 18, 2015


On a roll here and don't want to stop...

If anyone wants to start fresh or continue on let me know so we can stay in touch...
It's such a gift I have trouble stopping a fast...
Baruch Hashem...


Parting is such sweet sorrow…well maybe not!

The end of a fast is bittersweet.  You now get to go back to eating solid food but you are getting off of God’s sacred operating table. You have done amazing things to improve your health including the activation of what is called the “Youthing Gene”. That’s right, when you are on the table you are actually turning the clock back. The bitter part is this phase is over, BUT you can continue to do amazingly good work and remain close to the Divine by eating the Divine evolutionary way of plant based, organic, high percentage of raw, meditating, walking and all the rest  You have all of the tools, it is now up to you. Let’s meet again next January for another go at this, or if you are interested, I fast four times per year, so let me know if you would like to join me…Baruch Hashem

 7 Tips for Day Seven…

1.     You must read Day Six instructions again, it is what you are doing today.
2.     You have regenerated your taste buds…savor the flavors of every bite.
3.     Tomorrow you can have a smoothie…not too much fruit maybe some berries (sugar) Add a fermented food into your daily diet, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchee, non-dairy plain unsweetened yogurt, etc.
4.     Think seriously about dismissing some of your old habit.
5.     Tomorrow continue with the salads. Add the fats we mentioned earlier if you wish.
6.     Meditate, Walk, and Yoga, should now be embedded into your life.
7.     Most of all thank God for the gift you have been given…

So I leave you to carry on and pray that you stay close to the Divine way of life and become a Whole Health Warrior…Baruch Hashem

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Day 7 is always exciting, but the work is just beginning

You have done an awesome job. Completing a seven day juice fast is no easy task. You will have done what most everyone else will never do.Completing a seven day juice fast in the right way never seems to make a person arrogant but rather just the opposite is true, it humbles us. It helps us reflect on our place in the universe, it resets our DNA, It helps us check our egos, and helps us become closer to the Divine. Pretty powerful stuff...Don't you think ???..
So you've done a lot in seven days but the hard work is in front of you... You must break the fast correctly...and equally as important RIGHT NOW is the time to consider your life and eating patterns after the past. Will you go back to old unhealthy patterns? Will you adopt a plant based diet? Will you continue to walk and meditate? All these questions should be addressed now.
As a reference to what you might consider you might take a holistic wellness class from WHOLEHEALTHWARRIORACADEMY.COM...It is the online school we are launching January 28th, or you might wish to read the book we wrote, The Whole Health Warrior available at mikechaetbooks.com...Whatever you do continue on the path you have been on during your fast, it is a great gift from the Divine.

SEVEN RULES to Break Your Fast

1. Meditate for 15 minutes before you eat...
2. Bless your food...
3. Eat in silence./ Chew each bit 50 times/ savor each bite till it is gone and before you take the next bite....
4. First 2 meals. should be a SMALL organic, fresh salads...cucumbers, tomatoes, grated carrots, finely sliced cabbage, romaine letttuce or some baby greens, red bell pepper, no onions or garlic please.Squeeze fresh lemon or lime as a dressing.
5..Sprinkle tablespoon of ground flax on your salad.
6. Take some form of probiotics to repopulate your gut.
7. No fats the first day, olives, oils, avocados, nuts, seeds, etc, til the second day and then only small quantities for a few days.

What a treat you are in for...the Divine is giving you an amazing reward or the work you have done...
Share your experiences with me at wholehealthwarrior2012@gmail.com

Friday, January 16, 2015


Congratulations Superheroes...you have done 5 days of green juice fasting..

So today while walking to the gym I found a dime on the ground. I did pick it up and put it in my pocket and then wondered what I should do with it...It's only a dime....Not worth much...
Then I decided to give it away...A Kabbalistic way of thinking, "receive in order to share"., but then it's only a dime...Then the answer came to me...at home we have a Tsedoka box...we put spare change in the box along with an occasional bill or two...Then when full we donate the money to a charity of some sort..You would be surprised at how quickly those found dimes add up...By the way Tsedoka giving is a mitsvot (good deed) straight out of the.Torah...So on day five I started to break through the spiritual  ceiling with one little dime...It is the small things that count...

Seven fasting tips for today...
1.  Avoid looking in the fridge, pantry, or food shelves...not good cues on a fast.
2.  Take some time and commune with nature...sit under a tree, play in the snow, walk by a river...
3. Sit quiet and meditate...where have I heard that before?
4. Add a jalapeno or 1/2 of a sweet potato for the day in your juice when you are making it...
5. Here is a good one...CHEW YOUR JUICE..yes do it...the chewing motion stimulates the enzymes in the mouth, ptyalin (an amylase enzyme)...which helps to break down starches...
6. Make a potassium broth and drink a cup per day...put the peelings of 10 potatoes, a bunch of parsley...in a pot   add clean water ...bring to a boil...turn heat down and let simmer for 45 minutes...let cool... strain the solids out and drink a cup of the broth...Very high potassium...good for the heart...
7.  Do some yoga...at least 15 minutes or more per day...

Stay the course you are doing great
email with questions comments...wholehealthwarrior2012@gmail.com

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Bamm..let's kill the boredom

Day four and you are halfway there. But you might find drinking the same green juice is getting a little boring so here are a few tips and ways to spice up the days ahead.

1. Add a tomato, a red pepper, or a jalapeno pepper to spice it up.
2. Once you have made your juice stir or blend in some red cayenne pepper flakes, and or pink himilayin salt
3. If your tongue is white...GOOD... means you are cleansing. Buy a tongue scraper and scrape till pink just before you brush. No tongue scaper, no problem, use your toothbrush to scrub your tongue. Be sure to floss every night.
4. Walk...walk...walk...
5. Take a relaxing bath...sauna...or steam...
6. Get a massage...you have earned it...
7. Oh ! guess what....Meditate...Meditate...Meditate.

Just.a reminder that you are on a spiritual green juice fast...
calm the spirit whenever possible read from your most.special book...
Mine is the Torah..

Email if you need anything

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Have some treats for you today....

So today is day 3... at noon tomorrow you will be half way there nice job.
As I said earlier today is the day your hunger will go away...If not, too bad there is always tomorrow.
Just kidding, should start to go away except  for one boogey man that I call cues. Cues are things that you identify with the pleasure of food and eating. For example driving by your favorite restaurant, or walking into the house at dinner time, seeing a food ad on TV, even seeing a favorite treat on the shelf or in the fridge. They are cues and play tricks on your mind. Think about the smell of coffee, or popcorn at the movies or cinnamon rolls baking, all are cues getting you ready to eat so tip number one for today...

1. Avoid, ignore, or recognize cues. Consciously avoid or say no to them.
2. Build new cues, like the feeling of your flat stomach, the sun coming up bringing in the new day.
3. Essential oils are a great cue, lavender on the pillow makes the bed more welcoming, sandalwood's aroma is rich and creamy, lemon or orange scents are satisfying to the spirit. My favorite is frankenscence anytime...
4.Treat yourself today with a cup of organic veggie broth. Our favorite is Imagine or Pacific brand in a box. Almost no nutritional value so won"t trick body into thinking you are eating.
5.Read some educational material or book on the benefits of raw food.
6. Do not use microwave during your fast.
7. MEDITATE...MEDITATE...MEDITATE...Find a quiet comfortable spot and MEDITATE...


Email with questions and comments... wholehealthwarrior2012@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Whole Health Warrior Fasting Wisdom

So how did day two go for you?

Here are 7 more tips to help you out.
1. Headaches you say? Don't worry it is normal...remember you are stirring up toxins in the body. Don't be surprised at almost anything from headaches to a few heart palpitations.
2. Always remember this whole process is a gift from the Divine. As Paul Bragg always said, "you are on natures operating table".
3. Still hungry....no problem ...it will go away in a day or so.
4. Meditate...Meditate....Meditate
5. Think about this...The enlightened masters typically did 40 day dry fasts...no water...no food...
So 7 days is doable for us mere mortals...anyone want to do 40 let me know...
6.Moses did 2 40 day fasts almost back to back while receiving the Torah and 10 Commandments...yowser...my hero...
7. Tip #7- Enemas...If you feel like you need to take them to clear out toxins in the colon or to move things along...go for it...Enema kits are inexpensive but work wonders if you need to. Follow instructions...

So there is today's 7 bits of FASTING WISDOM...
Keep checking this blog - email me if you need anything...

Monday, January 12, 2015


Here We Go Everyone

Today is day one for our winter green juice Warrior Fast. Hope you are having a good day Mary and I started the day by juicing enough for one day. To the basic green juice as described below we are adding tumeric root to the drink. BEST ANTI-OXIDENT EVER..
Here are todays 7 tips to make this a great journey.

1. No pressure to perform..the fast is seven days...do what you can...
2. It is a spiritual fast...meditate as much as you can...keep the stress down as much as possible...
3. We bottle our juices in 16 oz. glass kombucha bottles...3-4 per day...
4. BEST TEA EVER...Longevity tea by Dragon Herbs...available at whwstore.com at a discount. We will drink 3-4 mugs per day. Make up a thermos full and sip through the day.
5. After 2 to 3 days hunger will vanish....
6. Rest whenever you have to.
7. Enjoy the journey...It's the best gift you can ever give yourself....


Saturday, January 3, 2015


Winter Green Juice Fast and Cleanse...

If you are ready to commit to our seven day fast email me at

All guidance and assistance is free.
You will be part of a great little community.

Baruch Hashem


Tuesday, December 30, 2014


2015 Winter Fast Dates...

We have a nice group of people that will be juice fasting with us this year...


A few tips in prepping for fast:
1. During the week before the fast eat a full on plant based diet if you can.
2. Eat as much raw as you can...lots of salads.
3. Walk 30 minutes each day as a minimum (outdoors as weather permits).
4. Buy your juicing supplies before you start the fast,
5. Gather up a spiritual book that you have been wanting to read..
6. Gather up a few DVD's on holistic health that you have been wanting to watch.
7  Set up a comfortable place to meditate.


Thursday, December 18, 2014


Nutrient and spiritually rich juice

If you are going to join us on the WINTER 2015 7 day green juice spiritual fast
watch this blog  for lots of great tips.


Celery - Cucumber - kale - should make up 75% of the juice by volume.
chard, collards, mustard greens, romaine lettuce may substitute for kale.

Green apple, or carrot juice -  not so much just as a condiment
Small amount of ginger, tumeric root, and lemon with the peel.

Consume 4 - 16 ounce drinks daily for full mineralization and hydration.
Drink as fresh as possible.

Season with powdered, tumeric, cayenne pepper or even a bit of pink salt - but just a touch

Other beverages may include herbal teas, purified water, with or without apple cider vinegar.

Be sire to say a blessing over the juice before drinking.......

2015 WHW FASTING TIPS - White Tongue

Look in the mirror at your tongue...it is your report card

Sounds like a strange thing to do, but the tongue will tell you tons about what is going on in your body during your fast. Typically after the third day your body really starts to cleanse, prior to which it was getting used to no food and all liquids. It was enjoying the rest and turning down the heat.

Once you start to cleanse, toxins start to move out of the body through the elimination systems, the skin, the urine, the bowels, plus the tongue and others.The normal color of the tongue is pink, but when you are fasting it very often has a white coating, this is a good thing. Toxins are leaving your body. The question of course; what can you do to help the tongue and accompanying breath odor.

The answer is pretty simple. Besides your normal oral hygiene including tooth brushing, water pick, and flossing, you can do what is called "tongue scraping". Tongue scraping is done twice a day with a tongue scraper which you can purchase at any pharmacy, or pharmacy section in one of the big stores or health food stores.

It is a U or V shaped stainless steal configuration usually with rubber grips that you will hold with both hands while running the dull blade across your tongue while scraping off the whitw coating. Do it at the sink for obvious reasons. Exposing the pink of the tongue will get the tongue ready for the next round of toxin cleansing. Do it before you brush your teeth. As a final step in tongue cleansing use your tooth brush to brush the tongue as well.

It seems like a little thing but the way of the Whole Health Warrior is to pay attention to the 1000 little things to achieve whole person radiant health.

Keep up the good work

Baruch Hashem and

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


It Is That Time Again
Let's Cleanse and Fast Together...

January is a great time to go on a fast and we have a group that is excited to go.
We will start our 7 day juice fast officially after the first...of the year (exact dates to be announced in a day or so) watch this blog it will all be here.The protocol we are using is a green juice fast as taught at Gabriel Cousens' Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona.This blog will have all of the details for you to follow. It will also have a daily update, notes, and commentary once the cleanse and fast begins. One spiritual objective of this fast is to spend meditative time contemplating a global shift to the light and what we can each do as individuals to make it happen.

If you wish to participate and be part of the group simply email me at: wholehealthwarrior2012@gmail.com and let us know you are in, and include your own email address so we can send you updates etc. It will be fun to see how many people join in.

Spoke to some fasters recently  and the biggest issue was breaking old habits such as eating routines, going to the fridge, seeing food they habitually eating, even issues of morning coffee. Rest assure this is totally normal. We build habits and routines and start to depend on them. Fasting in part is done to break these old paradigms in order to start new ones. Breaking these old paradigms will take a bit of creativity during the fast.. When a trigger goes off and tells you to eat or drink something find a replacement such as a cup of tea, drinks some juice or even go for a short walk, maybe meditate for 10 minutes. Take control by substituting old triggers with new actions...

Most of all consider everything that is happening during your fast as a blessing and say thanks for the challenge. Fasting is a gift from the Divine and once you accept the gift you move closer to the Source..

Join us if you wish no matter where you are right now......

If you are not a member of this blog already join us and you will get the auto updates...

Feel free to email me for specific issues or questions at:

Baruch Hashem

Enjoy your fast for it is a blessing and a gift from Hashem...

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Setting The Stage

According to the Jewish calendar, we just entered the year 5774 which tells us how long it has been since Adam and Eve appeared in the Garden of Eden. Beginning the new year it is tradition that Jews around the world continue their Torah study by starting at the beginning with Genesis. Of course, most people know that Genesis starts with the words "In the beginning".  What most people may not be aware of is that on the sixth day of creation as the final word we were told by the Creator what our food was to be.

In Genesis 1:29 of the Torah (the first  five books of Moses) it is written, "Then God said, " I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be your food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all of the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has breath of life in it - I give every green plants for food. And it was so". This was taken directly from the Holy Bible - New International Version published by Zondervan. 

 The Chumash is a definitive translation with various views and commentary of two thousand years of Rabbinic scholarship regarding the Torah (The Five Books of Moses and other related teachings both oral and written)  The following appears in the Chumash - Gutnick  edition of the Five Books of Moses page 13, "Let him (man) rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the skies, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over all the creeping things that creep on the earth" (P. 11). In other words the creator gave man dominion over the earth and all that was on it. It further reads "I have given you every plant that reproduces by seed that is upon the surface of the entire earth, and every tree that has seed bearing fruit! They shall be food for you. For all of the wild animals of the earth, for all the birds of the skies, and for everything that moves upon the earth that is alive! The food for humans and animals shall be plant vegetation only - and that is what happened.". "God saw everything he had made - and look- it was very good".

So we see that it was written in Genesis 1:29  very clearly that our food was to be plant based. Let's drill down a little further to find the deeper meanings of these writings by reading Toras Menachem, (commentary by the Rabbiniccal scholars). It is written in the Chumash "The knowledge that man is the pinnacle of creation (described in 26-28) could lead him to become arrogant and disrespectful of the world's contents. So, after describing the greatness of man, the Torah continued and equated cattle and animals to man regarding the food they were allowed to eat. These verses are an attempt to humble man with the knowledge that despite the fact that he is the pinnacle of creation formed in the image of God, he is nevertheless a creation that needs to eat in order to survive, like any animal"..
Plus, "Despite the fact that God told man to  rule over the fish of the sea, birds of the skies, and all of the wild animals that move upon the earth", (v 28) he nevertheless limited the authorities of man in that "he did not allow Adam and his wife to kill a creature and to eat its flesh". This was in order to ensure that man's awareness of his own genuine greatness should not lead to arrogance or pompousness.It was obviously important to keep man humble, otherwise he might get carried away with his power.

If God  created man and presented him with a dietary plan isn't it logical that the food provided would contain all of the nutrients man needed to live a healthy life ? This is why Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D. calls a live, raw, organic, plant based diet the "highest evolutionary diet on the planet".

In regards to the diet of man and the animals Rashi, the brilliant rabbinnical scholar that lived in the 11th century writes, " The Torah equates cattle and the animals to man regarding the food that they were permitted to eat and that they were only allowed to eat vegetation, and not meat". The Torah states explicitly that " I have hereby given you every plant...and every tree that has seed bearing fruit". They shall be food for you" (v. 29-30). From the fact that God makes no mention of meat, Rashi concludes "it is obvious that man was required to be a vegetarian (vegan)".

With this most compelling commentary on the position of the Torah on man's relationship to the earth and the animals upon it I ask the following:  Where have we gone so wrong? How can we treat the earth the way we do? How is it that we destroy all of the topsoil, pollute the air and the water, and truly poison all beings on this glorious earth that we live on?  And how have we gotten so far away from our relationship with animals ? How can factory farming exist, and slaughterhouses abound? How can we be killing billions of sentient beings for food when we have all the food we need on the earth as provided by Hashem? Isn't veganism the most compassionate of all options, and isn't it man's intended option? What ipath is the human race following?

Most importantly what are we going to do about this collectively, and individually ?  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Coconut Oil - More Than a Super=food

David Wolfe defines a superfood as a food that has both medicinal qualities as well as high nutritional qualities. How would you describe a product that combines those qualities with qualities of dynamic prevention, and majot healing. Coconut oil is way more than a food for it can be used both inside the body as well as outside, it can be used to lubricate moving mechanical parts, as a cleaner, as a fuel, as a base for soap and hundreds of other uses.I think we should call it a Super Gift from Divine Nature.

Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid which doesn't mean much to a most people but consider this: "Medium chain fatty acids are transported across the intestinal wall directly into the portal vein then directly into the liver. Here they are used to produce energy.Whereas long chain fatty acids end up as low density lipoproteins (bad stuff). (from Coconut Cures by Bruce File) In other words it provides the body with a great source of energy, with no bad stuff. Medium chain fatty acids include lauric acid, capric and caprylic acids, all of which are enrgy producers and healing agents for the body.

I will touch on just a few things here that coconut oil is reputed to be beneficial for I would suggest if you are interested in further info read a small but well written book entitled Coconut Cures by Bruce File, It  goes into great detail on the topic as well as the science in great detail. Also you may wish to Google coconut oil  for more details as well. The best thing you miy choose to do is simply go buy some and consume a tablespoon or two as part of your foods daily, rub it on your skin, and substitute it for other common oil usages including cooking.

Millions of people for thousands of years  have used coconut oil for the following:
As a skin moisturizer, lip balm, anti bacterial for wounds,  for digestive issues, as an anti fungal and anti microbial, as a weight loss aid, improve thyroid function, as an anti inflammatory, for arthritis, infections, to fight parasites, gum disease, prevention of heart disease, hormone balancing, fibromyalgia, brain development, as a general body tonic and so much more. If this sounds like a miracle product you just might be right.

If we consider how diseases develop in the body we see how a compound like coconut oil can help prevent and maybe even cure them. It makes everything work better so the body can heal itself. A true natural curative approach. Read more and educate yourself on this true gift to humanity.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Building more "fast" raw vegan foods into your daily routine

The traditional successful fast foods have been popular for several reasons, they are tasty, not very expensive and of course they are fast. These three characteristics are very important to most of us.

Can we apply these three characteristics to our raw vegan eating plan?
The answer is absolutely yes! Mary and I do it all the time.
Let's focus on the "fast" issue here. To be successful it will take a bit of planning and preparation. Plan what your GRAB AND GO RAW" foods that are your favorites. Take some time and make your favorite top ten list and create a plan to have these available to you all of the time. You may not have all of them all of the time but you should probably have half or more of them on a weekly basis so you can GRAB AND GO RAW.We try to make most of them.

Once you have planned which ones you will have for the week set aside one day a week (We like doing it on Sundays) to prepare them. By doing it all at once you can prepare most of them all at one time, this is economy of scale. Make sure you have proper storage containers for the various "fast" foods that you will be preparing.

Our Favorite Top Ten GRAB AND GO RAW Foods
1. Raw veggie platter stored in fridge.(veggies cut similar to a party platter)
2. Three flavors of dipping sauces. (Thai peanut, curry sauce, marinara sauce) all made in blender.
3. Assorted dehydrated seeds and nuts (Amino almonds, cheesy walnuts, etc)
4. One or two quarts of raw vegan soup, made in blender.
5. Rainbow salads (Prep all veggies, store in zip bags or containers, grab and build salad daily).
6. Green smoothies (Prep ingredients weekly, store in fridge, grab and blend daily).
7. Green juice (Prep ingredients weekly, stor in fridge, grab and juice daily).
8. Nut cheese (Make a batch for the week store in fridge)
9. Cabbage salad (Make a batch and keep in fridge, gets better in a few days).
10. Crackers (Once a week make up some crackers to spread the cheese on and eat with salads).

To prepare these foods for the week will take about half of a Sunday (not including the dehydrating time).
We shop on Saturday (Farmers market if open) for the foods in our regular course of running errands and prepare the foods on Sunday. We make enough for the two of us to Grab and Go Raw for the week. By doing it this week we prepare for ourselves very tasty foods, reasonably priced, and spend very little time during the week thus actually saving time because it is all done at once. This economy of scale matches up with the three requirements of "fast food". Most of all it is healthy, and a spiritually rewarding lifestyle. A little bit of planning and preparation as it fits into your life will reap big rewards for you and your family. You will be working to improved health, saving time, and maybe even creating a new fun family activity and setting the stage for a higher level of health for generations to come.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Serious commentary regarding GMO foods from Norway

Just today I did a teleconference for our spiritual nutrition mastery students and one of the topics was GMO foods. As I see it, the key issue regarding the use of GMO foods is not whether I will get sick today if I eat a GMO soybean but rather what signals do my genes receive from consuming genetic materials that have been altered by scientists. Whay new blueprints have been imbedded into my personal genetic blueprint and how will that all manifest in the future of my health or in the health of generations to come.It is an imperfect science with too many unanswered questions.

Norwegian scientists have been quoted over the years as key researchers in this area and if you click on this link you will see where this may be coming back to haunt them. Enjoy the read and let me know what you think. http://www.monsanto.no/index.php/en/environment/gmo/gmo-news/74-the-norwegian-gmo-scandal.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Salicylates the new buzz word....

Everywhere you turn today you find a new product or restaurant that claims to be "gluten free". This is being done because the medical community is diagnosing gluten sensitivity more than ever before thus people are now "gluten free" consumers. Gluten is not so much the enemy but rather the quantity of it that we take in as part of the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet. Just check your food intake for the amount of wheat you consume, and while you are at it check the amount of sugar and dairy you and your family may consuming. No wonder we end up with lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance and diabetes. It is almost all due to the quantity we consume as part of the SAD diet.

I see the next buzzword being "Salicylates".  It is a natural compound found in plants and is a sort of  naturally occuring pesticide. This compound also helps plants fight diseases. It is important to understand that if we eat huge quantities of any single food we are putting ourselves at risk of consuming to much of what that food contains. It is for this reason we should eat a broad spectrum of raw plant based foods, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, some beans, sea vegetables, grains, berries, and some fruits (not too many).

We may recognize the word salicylate from common over the counter medications, especially N-SAIDS (aspirin or ibuprofin), as well as other compounds such as pesticides, and even some perfumes or fragrances and, plastics. These are forms that are made in labs for commercial use. Naturally occurring salicylates seem to be reduced when foods ripen naturally on the tree or bush before they are picked. Nature has a way of protecting the unripened fruit from various organisms until it is ready to be harvested for human consumption at which time the salicylate counts drop dramatically. Genetically modified foods (GMO) are said to contain high levels of salicylates so if we eat organic non GMO foods we don't consume the same volumes of salicylates.

Some foods high in salicylates:
Processed juices
Processed syrups
Chemically dried fruits and veggies
Processed sauces
Fruits picked unripe
Processed flavorings for foods

To eliminate or reduce salycilate sensitivity
Eat fruits that ripen naturally (don't overeat on fruit period, too much sugar)
Eat whole, pure and natural foods
Eat an organic plant based diet
Less commercially processed foods
Drink clean energetic water and fresh organic green vegetable juices
Avoid meds, cosmetics, and common household products containing salicylates

As you can see processed foods, unripened foods, and some man made products seem to be the greatest issue here. Moving to an organic, plant based, high variety form of eating greatly reduces anyone's intake of salicylates. Something we should all think about anyway.

A few diseases that have been implicated as a possible salycilate sensitivity
Certain types of asthma (aspirin allergy)
Meniers disease
Some forms of autism

This is just a quick primer on salicylates, if you feel you have an issue you might choose to do much more research. Remember, as in any lifestyle disease or sensitivity,  the effects are cumulative so if you start to improve your diet and lifestyle to a more natural way of eating and living hopefully you will reverse your symptoms, but please be patient.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Many people including myself love to use vanilla extract in smoothies and other recipes does it have any nutritional value?

The answer is across the board pretty much none. It does have a few calories (24 per 2 tablespoons which equals 399 for a cup) but thats pretty much it. Each serving has 1 sugar and 1 carb, almost zero protein, fats, sodum etc.
So in a way it provides us with a tremendous taste with nothing good OR BAD for us. Just a rich full flavor.

There are a few reported folk remedies that vanilla is used for:
1. It is calming to the stomach and helps with nasuea. Just mix in water.
2.It can help with weight loss since it does bring a sense of richness to what it is added to.
3. It has been reputed to help regulate menstrual cycles.
4. In an emergency it has been used on wounds with some positive results.
5. Because of its wonderful odor it has been reported to calm nerves and anxiety.

So don't stress over vanilla, just enjoy it as a regulat part of your diet.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Notes from Whole Health Warrior book

Each person creates and travels along their individual pathway, and no two are exactly the same. The major elements employed by the Whole Health Warrior consist of the seven sacred practices, the seven building blocks and the seven evolutionary behaviors. These are utilized as we create and follow our own pathway. You may have heard the “saying we each make our own way through life”, I may add to this: that we do so by creating and following our own “pathway”. Howard S. Friedman wrote a book called The Longevity Project which was a study in longevity over an eight decade span of time. The object was to follow a select group of children through eight decades of life and to see what factors were involved in early death or living a long life. Some people refer to this as the Terman study since the originator of the study was Dr. Terman.

In his book Dr. Friedman says, “There is no doubt that an unfortunate individual can be suddenly struck by a bus or by a virulent infection. There is no point in blaming the victim, and there is no way to have near perfect control over your health. Many times awful things happen for no rational reason, but as we have discovered over and over in our studies, some pathways are much healthier than others, and many people have made their own luck by following them”, (p. 203). He goes on to report that, “Hard work and accomplishment are strong predictors of a long life, (p.207), and “The deeper we dig into the lives of these people, the more we understand about the pathways to longevity”, (p 3). Becoming a Whole Health Warrior will lead you to the healthiest of all pathways as you will resonate with Divine Nature.

.The conclusion to be drawn is that whole person health is not limited to one factor nor even several factors, but rather the trajectory and pathway that a person chooses to follow during his or her life. The essence of the Whole Health Warrior is to provide you with some wonderfully healthy and uplifting companions to be brought along with you as you travel along your own personal pathway of life. When you are in the state of radiant health your body resonates with nature, you will feel this because you will have limitless and unbounded energy and grace in your life. Enjoy the journey.

Monday, June 11, 2012


When we get shingles as an adult here are a few things to consider

Shingles Notes

1. Main issue is suppressed immunity from
stress, immune suppressing drugs, trauma, illness.
Build the immune system.

2. It is the reactivation of the chicken pox virus and is held in the central nervous system.
Why do we give kids chicken pox vaccinations today?

3. Irritated branched nerve endings is what causes the severe pain.

4. Problem with adults who did not have chicken pox as kids or had a mild case.
Teenagers are now showing up with shingles due to all of the above.

9 Tips for relief

  1. No caffeine drinks it drains needed nutrients
  2. Vegan live food diet helps is advised
  3. Vit c, oregano oil, Lysine supplements
  4. Reishi, cordyceps, astragalus provide adrenal support. (Chinese herbals)
  5. B Comples for stress, D3 nutrient facilitation.
  6. 8 hours of sleep minimum.
  7. Capsacium on skin for pain relief
  8. Meditate daily
  9. Yoga